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English:Mechanical Engineering LettersWetting-induced attraction of thin plates due to capillary flow 
Japanese: 高橋航圭, 松尾 高広, 古田 将一, 大島 修造, 因幡 和晃, 岸本 喜久雄.  
English: Kousuke TAKAHASHI, Takahiro MATSUO, Masakazu FURUTA, Shuzo OSHIMA, Kazuaki INABA, Kikuo KISHIMOTO.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Bulletin of the JSME Vol.2, 2016 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 2        p. 16-00227
Published date Apr. 4, 2016 
English:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 
Conference name
Conference site
DOI http://doi.org/10.1299/mel.16-00227
Abstract Wetting-induced attraction are widely observed in microstructures where liquid flows along solid surfaces. Unexpected bending or collapse occurs if wetting-induced forces are neglected in the structural design, such as high aspect ratio pillars in the process of wet-etching. In this study, a simple experiment is designed to capture the evolving deformation of a cantilever beam due to capillary flow. A pair of polymer plates fixed at one end with a small gap is submerged into liquid, so that capillary rise between the plates and their attraction can be simultaneously observed. The plate dimension is sub-millimeter scale, which is rather large in observation of capillarity, in order to clearly capture deformation process of the plates until their contacts. Different types of liquids are prepared to investigate the influence of wettability, surface tension, and viscosity. Velocity of capillary flow is also considered by changing submergence rate of the plate. The experimental results of plate deflection are compared to analytical estimation obtained from an equation of motion for capillary rise and an equilibrium between capillary attraction and elastic force of plate. This estimation corresponded well with experimental results regardless of liquid types. In addition, the relationship between plate deflection and material constants is derived in a non-dimensional form. Therefore, plate deformation due to wetting-induced attraction, considering velocity of capillary flow, became predictable only from dimension of plates and material constants.

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