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English:India-Japan Civil Nuclear Cooperation: Scenario Analysis of Nuclear Energy Systems and Role of the Quad Framework 
Japanese: SharmaSaurabh, 池上雅子.  
English: Saurabh Sharma, Masako Ikegami.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems-IZES Proceedings 
Volume, Number, Page        
Published date Jan. 12, 2023 
English:ScienceDirect, Elsevier 
Conference name
English:International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems-IZES, Tokyo Institute of Technology 
Conference site
Abstract In this policy-oriented paper, the authors have studied the scenario analysis of nuclear energy systems, including the innovative nuclear technological development highlighting the role of the QUAD framework in India-Japan civil nuclear cooperation and focusing on clean energy partnerships. This research aims to showcase the importance of bilateral and multilateral civilian nuclear cooperation from the viewpoint of collaborative innovation-oriented nuclear technological development as well as existing nuclear energy systems. The scenario analysis is based on IAEA’s methodology, known as KIND-ET (KIND-Evaluation Tool). KIND means “Key Indicators for Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems.” KIND-ET is a quantitative approach based on multi-attribute value theory. The significant parameters in this scenario analysis are; economics, safety, nuclear non-proliferation, social acceptance, security, safeguards, environmental aspects, nuclear waste, and so on. This research emphasizes India-Japan civil nuclear cooperation and how the QUAD framework plays a role through the scenario analysis-based study. To explore the existing and innovative nuclear energy systems under bilateral or multilateral civilian nuclear cooperation, a comprehensive analysis is required to understand the complexities of nuclear energy systems. Thus, the KIND-ET methodology is implemented to examine the nuclear energy systems. While developing nuclear energy systems, a holistic approach becomes essential in designing the decision-making strategy for finalizing nuclear power generation projects. Through this scenario development, international collaborations in civilian nuclear energy have a greater possibility of successful implementation. Furthermore, this research can propose policy recommendations to the stakeholders in nuclear decision-making.

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