The human eyes cannot easily focus on two separate targets at the same time. The two eyes have their own cooperative movements called conjugate and vergence eye movements. The reason for the cooperative movements and a method to achieve binocular movements using active cameras will be discussed in this paper. In order to achieve realistic eye movements, we proposed a binocular motor system model based on the human neural pathways of the binocular motor system. Using this model, an active camera control system was constructed. The system exhibited several characteristics specific to human-eye movement, including the following:
(1)Both cameras moved in tandem and had the same target point in the central area. This characteristic was considered a basic condition for structuring a stereo-image using the image signals from both eyes.
(2) If one camera was obstructed by an obstacle, it would follow the movement of the other camera to find the target promptly when the obstacle was removed.
(3) This system had the ability to compensate for the blurring caused by base movement.