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英文:Novel SINE Families from Salmons Validate Parahucho (Salmonidae) as a Distinct Genus and Give Evidence that SINEs Can Incorporate LINE-related 3'-Tails of Other SINEs 
和文: Vitaliy Matveev, 西原 秀典, 岡田 典弘.  
英文: Vitaliy Matveev, Hidenori Nishihara, Norihiro Okada.  
言語 English 
英文:Molecular Biology and Evolution 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 24    No. 8    pp. 1656-1666
出版年月 2007年8月 
英文:Oxford University Press 
DOI https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msm083
アブストラクト Short interspersed elements (SINEs) constitute a group of retroposons propagating in the genome via a mechanism of reverse transcription, in which they depend on the enzymatic machinery of long retroposons (LINEs). Over 70 SINE families have been described to date from the genomes of various eukaryotes. Here, we characterize two novel SINEs from salmons (Actinopterygii: Salmonoidei). The first family, termed SlmI, was shown to be widespread among all genera of the suborder. These SINEs have a tRNALeu-related promoter region at their 5'-end, a unique central conserved domain with a subfamily-specific region, and an end with RSg-1-LINE-derived 3'-terminus preceding the A/T-rich tail. The same LINE-related segment is also shared by two other salmonid SINEs: HpaI and OS-SINE1. The structural peculiarities and overall sequence identity of the SlmI 3'-terminus suggest that it has been acquired from HpaI SINEs but not directly from the partner LINE. This region plays a crucial role in the process of retrotransposition of short interspersed elements, and the case of its SINE-to-SINE transmission is the first recorded to date. Possible scenarios and potential evolutionary implications of the observed interaction between short retroposons are discussed. Apart from the above, we found a copy of the SlmI SINE in the GenBank entry for the blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum (Trematoda: Strigeiformes)—a trematode causing one of the most important human helminth infections, with its genome known to host other groups of salmonoid retroposons. In the present article, we suggest our views with regard to possible ways in which such an intensive horizontal transfer of salmonoid retroposons to the schistosomal genome occurs. The second novel SINE family, termed SlmII, originates from one of the SlmI subfamilies, with which it shares the same tRNA-related region, central domain, and a part of RSg-1-derived segment, but has a different 3'-tail of unidentified origin. Its distribution among salmonids validates Parahucho (Japanese huchen) as a distinct monotypic genus.

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