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和文:Effect of Short Visiting Program on Attitude ofUniversity Students to Longer International Exposure 
英文:Effect of Short Visiting Program on Attitude ofUniversity Students to Longer International Exposure 
和文: 紫村次宏, トム・ホープ.  
英文: Tsuguhiro Shimura, Tom Hope.  
言語 English 
英文:International Conference on Business and Industrial Research 2012, Conference Proceedings 
巻, 号, ページ         p. 192
出版年月 2012年5月18日 
英文:Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology 
和文:International Conference on Business and Industrial Research 2012 
英文:International Conference on Business and Industrial Research 2012 
公式リンク http://www.icbir.org/
アブストラクト The study shows how a short program abroad for graduate and undergraduate students influences the attitude of participants toward longer international programs. The authors compare the rate of application to longer international exchange programs abroad (a few months to 1 year of study at partner universities of Tokyo Tech) between the participants and non-participants of JAYSES). Among 163 applicants to JAYSES, the authors selected a test-subject group of 100 students with Japanese nationality, studying at university grades from B1 to M1 at the time of their application to the program, then divided into 2 groups of 45 participants and 55 non-participants. They examined the data of applicants to other programs and counted the number of former participants and non-participants of the JAYSES. The results show a significant difference between 2 groups on the rate of application and participation to other programs. The paper concludes that short programs can be one method to encourage students to seek longer international exposure.

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