Online evaluation of the electrical properties of oxide layers was studied for the development of liquid breeder blanket of fusion reactors in this paper. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was applied for the layers of zirconium oxide formed at 773 K on the substrate of zirconium metal in air or pure oxygen gas atmospheres at the atmospheric pressure. The durations of the oxidation were 360, 900, and 1800 ks. The electrochemical impedance spectra for the oxidized surface of the Zr metals were measured at 773 K using the gold electrode fabricated on the sample surface by a sputtering method. The capacitance, the resistance, and the constant-phase-element parameter p (CPE-p) were evaluated from the measured spectrum of the samples by the comparison with the results of the model simulation for the layer using ZView code. Then, it was found that the thickness of the oxide layers estimated from the electrostatic capacitance was close to that from weight gain of the sample by its oxidation. It was indicated that the behavior of CPE-p depends on the atmospheres in the oxidation process. This result indicated that the composition and the structure of the oxide layers were not uniform and this behavior was influenced by the atmosphere for the oxidation procedure.