高等教育機関が独創的なカリキュラムを設計しようとする場合や,第三者が高等教育機関のカリキュラムの特徴を評価する場合,多数の教育機関にまたがる教育内容の横断的な把握が必要となる.しかしこれは専門家にとっても負荷の高い課題であり,カリキュラム設計や評価の方針を立てやすくするためのコンピュータを用いた支援環境が望まれる.本研究では,共通形式化されたシラバスデータを対象に,それらが含む専門用語を抽出し,その出現頻度に基づき科目間の類似度を計算しクラスタリングを行い,多角的な分類軸に沿って科目のクラスタへの帰属分布を視覚化し対照することで,カリキュラムの特徴把握を支援するシステムを開発した.In designing of an original curriculum by a higher education institution, or in external evaluation of an institution's curriculum, comprehending the curriculum contents of many institutions in the same field is necessary. However, this is very hard to do even for education experts in that field. Therefore, some computer system which promotes discovering the features of the curriculums is desired by the curriculum designers and evaluators. In this research, we developed a new system which supports the feature discovering of curriculums, utilizing the document clustering technique. This system treats syllabus data which constitute some curriculums and are expressed in a common format, calculates the similarity between the syllabi based on the occurrence frequency of technical terms, clusters the syllabi, and thus helps to find distinguishing features of the curriculums by visualizing and comparing the assignments of the syllabi to the clusters along various classification axes.