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英文:Future glacier volume and runoff changes over Central Europe using a full energy balance-based glacier model with debris effects 
和文: 佐々木 織江, 平林 由希子, 藤田 晃司, 坂井 亜規子, 鼎 信次郎.  
英文: Orie Sasaki, Yukiko Hirabayashi, Koji Fujita, Akiko Sakai, Shinjiro Kanae.  
言語 English 
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出版年月 2019年12月10日 
英文:AGU Fall Meeting 2019 
英文:San Francisco 
公式リンク https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/572377
アブストラクト Large-scale assessments of glacier volume and runoff have usually been conducted by using a temperature-index approach. However, some studies have suggested that the temperature-index approach might have a possibility to overestimate glacier melt under global warming because of the oversensitivity to temperature rise. On the other hand, an energy balance approach could estimate glacier retreat without being excessively influenced by temperature rise, although it has the difficulty with the high requirements of input data. We therefore developed a glacier model which calculates glacier volume and runoff for individual glaciers on a large-scale using a full energy balance approach. The model also takes debris effect into account by using the spatial distribution of debris thermal resistance, which is defined as debris thickness divided by thermal conductivity of debris layer. Furthermore, the model has potential to be extended to a global scale. The first application of the model in Central Europe provides a daily glacier volume and related runoff for the period 1970 to 2100. The timing of peak annual runoff and changes in glacier runoff during melt season are major topics to be introduced. We also compared our results with previously reported values using the temperature-index approach and discussed the differences between the two kind of approaches. The differences between the two approaches would improve our understanding related to estimation ranges of future changes in glacier runoff.

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