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英文:Axial Compression Strength of High-strength Circular Hollow Concrete-filled Steel Tube Piles 
和文: CLARISSA JASINDA, 小原 拓, 河野 進.  
英文: Jasinda C, Obara T, Kono S.  
言語 English 
英文:12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering(12NCEE) 
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出版年月 2022年6月27日 
英文:Earthquake Engineering Research Institute 
英文:12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering(12NCEE) 
英文:Salt Lake City 
アブストラクト High-strength concrete-filled steel tube piles with a hollow core (HCFST piles) are used as foundations for medium- and high-rise buildings in Japan. These piles are manufactured in the factory with the centrifugal method using high-strength spun concrete (f'c> 80MPa), and have steel tube diameter-to-thickness ratio (D/ts) from 66 to 167. Previous studies have investigated the uniaxial compressive behavior of HCFSTs and proposed expressions to calculate the axial capacity of HCFSTs. However, these studies only covered HCFST with relatively thick tube (D/ts>50) and HCFSTs with normal-strength concrete. There is limited test data available for HCFST piles with and high-strength concrete. To address this issue, this study presents results from uniaxial compression tests of twelve HCFST pile specimens with D/ts of 63 and 87, and f'c of 105 and 120 MPa. The existing methods to calculate the axial capacity of HCFSTs are evaluated using the test data. Results show that the existing methods can give unconservative estimates of the axial capacity of HCFST piles. The axial capacity is mainly influenced by the steel area ratio and the diameter-to-thickness ratio of the concrete core (Dc/tc). These observations highlight the need to establish new equations to calculate the axial capacity of HCFST piles.

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