"Yuichi KAGAYAMA,Hiroshi SAGARA,Chi Young HAN,Yoshiki KIMURA","Nuclear Forensics Signatures of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Light Water Reactors","The 42nd Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter","Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter","Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Japan Chapter",,,,2021,Nov. "Yuichi KAGAYAMA,Hiroshi SAGARA,Chi Young HAN,Yoshiki KIMURA","gNuclear Forensics Signatures of Spent Nuclear Fuel-Signatures for discriminating reactor and fuel types-","The AESJ 2021 Fall Meeting","Proceedings of the AESJ 2021 Fall Meeting","Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ)",,,,2021,Sept. "Yuichi KAGAYAMA,Hiroshi SAGARA,Chi Young HAN","Light Water Reactor Type Discrimination Method Using Fuel Nuclide Composition Information","The 41st Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter","Proceedings of the 41th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter","Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Japan Chapter",,,,2020,Nov. "Yuichi KAGAYAMA,Hiroshi SAGARA,Chi Young HAN","Characteristics of Nuclide Composition in Spent Nuclear Fuel from Light Water Reactors for Nuclear Forensics ? Research Plan for Finding out New Discrimination Indices","The 40th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter","Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter","Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Japan Chapter",,,,2019,Nov.