"Minoru Nakayama,Naoya Takahashi","Chronological states of viewer's intentions using hidden Markov models and features of eye movement",,"EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications",,"Vol. 1"," Issue 01","pp. 1-6",2014,Sept. "MINORU NAKAYAMA,Naoya Takahashi","Chronological change of understanding states using hidden Markov models and eye movement features","電子情報通信学会 BME研究会","IEICE technical report",," MBE2013-117",,"pp. 13-18",2014,Mar. "Naoya Takahashi,Minoru Nakayama","Chronological Prediction of Certainty in Recall Tests using Markov Models of Eye Movements","BIOTECHNO 2013: The Fifth Internaional Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies","Proceedings of BIOTECHNO 2013: The Fifth Internaional Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies",,,,"pp. 55-60",2013,Mar. "Naoya Takahashi,Minoru NAKAYAMA","Estimation of answer correctness for recall tests with eye movements using hidden Markov models",,"IEICE Technical Report",," PRMU2011-253/HIP2011-81",,"pp. 77-82",2012,Mar. "Naoya Takahashi,Haruhiko Kaneko","Probabilistic Search of Nonbinary LDPC Codes for Distributed Video Coding",,"Technical Report of IEICE",,,," FIIS-10-284",2010,June