"Kai Wu,Masashi Matsuoka,Haruki Oshio","Earthquake damage detection and level classification method for wooden houses based on convolutional neural networks and onsite photos",,"Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering",,,,,2024,May "Kai Wu,Masashi Matsuoka,Haruki Oshio","Earthquake damage detection and level classification method based on convolutional neural network using onsite photographs of the Kumamoto earthquake","第16回日本地震工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Kai Wu,Masashi Matsuoka,Haruki Oshio","Damage level classification method for buildings based on convolutional neural network using onsite photographs of the Kumamoto earthquake","日本リモートセンシング学会第75回(令和5年度秋季)学術講演会",,,,,"pp. 89?92",2023,Nov.