"Masato Sone,Ryohei Hori,Kazuya Fujita,Kosuke Suzuki,Ken Hashigata,Keisuke Asano,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Katsuyuki Machida,Hiroyuki Ito,Yoshihiro Miyake","Effects of Sample Geometry and Grain Size on Mechanical Property of Electrodeposited Dold and Gold-Copper Alloys by Micro-\bending Test Toward MEMS Applications","CPIT2024, New Method of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Part","CPIT2024, New Method of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Part","CPIT2024, New Method of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Part",,,,2024,Oct. "Kosuke Suzuki,Yiming Jiang,Ryohei Hori,Ken Hashigata,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Parthojit Chakraborty,Katsuyuki Machida,Hiroyuki Ito,Yoshihiro Miyake,Masato Sone","Correlation of Sample Geometry and Grain Size in Micro-Bending of Electrodeposited Polycrystalline Gold",,"Materials Today Communications",,"Vol. 35",,"p. 106072",2023,Apr. "Kosuke Suzuki,Yu-An Chien,Ken Hashigata,Keisuke Asano,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Daisuke Yamane,Hiroyuki Ito,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Effects of Sample Geometry and Grain Size on Mechanical Property of Electrodeposited Gold Evaluated by Micro-Bending Test","PRiME 2020","PRiME 2020",,,,,2020,Oct. "Kosuke Suzuki,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Ken Hashigata,Keisuke Asano,Chun-Yi Chen,Takashi Nagoshi,Daisuke Yamane,Hiroyuki Ito,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Sample Geometry Effect on Mechanical Property of Gold Micro-Cantilevers by Micro-Bending Test",,"MRS Communications","Materials Research Society","Vol. 20",,"pp. 434-438",2020,May "Kosuke Suzuki,Ken Hashigata,Keisuke Asano,Chun-Yi Chen,Takashi Nagoshi,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Daisuke Yamane,Hiroyuki Ito,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Sample Geometry Effect on Mechanical Property of Electrodeposited Gold Evaluated by Micro-Bending Test","45th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE2019)","45th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE2019)",,,,,2019,Sept. "Kosuke Suzuki,Ken Hashigata,Keisuke Asano,Chun-Yi Chen,Takashi Nagoshi,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Daisuke Yamane,Toshifumi Konishi,Hiroyuki Ito,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Mechanical properties of gold micro-cantilevers with different thickness evaluated by micro-bending test","The 2nd International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics",,,,,,2019,May "Ken Hashigata,Hao-Chun Tang,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Daisuke Yamane,Toshifumi Konishi,Hiroyuki Ito,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Strengthening of Micro-Cantilever by Au/Ti Bi-Layered Structure Evaluated by Micro-Bending Test toward MEMS Devices",,"Microelectronic Engineering",,"Vol. 213",,"pp. 13-17",2019,May "鈴木 康介,Ken Hashigata,浅野 啓介,Chun-Yi Chen,名越 貴志,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,山根 大輔,小西 敏文,町田 克之,伊藤 浩之,益 一哉,曽根 正人","微小曲げ試験による金材料の機械的強度のサンプル形状効果","第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Ken Hashigata,Hao-chun Tang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Daisuke Yamane,Toshifumi Konishi,Katsuyuki Machida,Hiroyuki Ito,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone.","Electrodeposition of Gold on Titanium and Bending Test of Au-Ti Bi-Layered Micro-Cantilever","IUMRS-ICA 2018","IUMRS-ICA 2018",,,,,2018,Oct. "Ken Hashigata,Hao-chun Tang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Daisuke Yamane,Toshifumi Konishi,Katsuyuki Machida,Hiroyuki Ito,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Mechanical Strength Enhancement of Ti/Au Layered Structure Evaluated by Micro-Bending Test","44rd International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE2018)","44rd International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE2018)",,,,,2018,Sept. "Ken Hashigata,Haochun Tang,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Daisuke Yamane,Toshifumi Konishi,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","The effect of acid pre-treatment on electroplating of gold on titanium substrate","32nd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT32)",,,,,,2018,June "Ken Hashigata,Hao-Chun Tang,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Daisuke Yamane,Toshifumi Konishi,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Electroplating of Gold on Titanium Substrate: Method to Deposit Defect-Free Film","22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry",,,,,,2018,Apr. "Ken Hashigata,Hao-Chun Tang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Daisuke Yamane,Toshifumi Konishi,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Enhanced Mechanical Strength of Ti-Au Bi-Layered Micro-Cantilever for MEMS Accelerometers","第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Hao-Chun Tang,Ken Hashigata,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Takashi Nagoshi,Toshifumi Konishi,Daisuke Yamane,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Sample size effect on micro-mechanical properties of gold electroplated with dense carbon dioxide",,"Surface and Coatings Technology","Elsevier","Vol. 350",,"pp. 1065-1070",2018,Mar. "Ken Hashigata,Hao-Chun Tang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Daisuke Yamane,Toshifumi Konishi,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Defect-Free and Uniform Electroplating of Gold on Titanium Surface for Design of MEMS Components","TACT2017 International Thin Films Conference",,,,,,2017,Oct. "Ken Hashigata,Hao-Chun Tang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Daisuke Yamane,Katsuyuki Machida,Kazuya Masu,Masato Sone","Effects of Bi-Layered Au/Ti Structure on Mechanical Properties of Micro-Cantilever Evaluated by Micro-Bending Test Toward Applications in MEMS Devices","43rd International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE2017)","MNE2017",,,,,2017,Sept.