"George William Hong,Naoya Abe,Magdaleno Baclay Jr.,Lourdes Arciaga","Assessing users' performance to sustain off-grid renewable energy systems: The capacity and willingness approach",,"Energy for Sustainable Development","ELSEVIER","Volume 28"," October 2015","Page 102?114",2015,Oct. "George William Hong,Naoya Abe","A Holistic Multi-Tired Approach to Off Grid Energy Provision using Solar PV",,"Energy Procedia",,"Volume 33",,"p. 355-363",2013, "George William Hong,Naoya Abe","Modeling and optimizing a sub-centralized LED lamps provision system for rural communities",,"Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews",,"Vol. 16"," 7","pp. 4616?4628",2012,June "George William HONG,Naoya ABE","A holistic multi-tiered approach to offgrid energy provision using Solar PV","APVIA Asia Pacific Conference2012",,,,,,2012, "George William Hong,Naoya Abe","Sustainability assessment of renewable energy projects for off-grid rural electrification: The Pangan-an Island case in the Philippines",,"Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews",,,,,2011,Sept. "George William Hong,Naoya ABe","Else, an Eventual Return to Conventional Energy: Impacts and Fate of an off-Grid Rural Electrification Project in an Island in the Philippines","26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition",,,,,,2011,Sept.