"Hamed Vaez-Taghavi,ATSUSHI HIRATA","Low friction properties of conductive Mg-doped amorphous carbon films deposited in electron beam excited plasma","第26回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム","第26回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム講演要旨集","一般社団法人 ニューダイヤモンドフォーラム",,,"pp. 184-185",2012,Nov. "Hamed Vaez-Taghavi,ATSUSHI HIRATA","Investigation of Friction Properties of Mg-Doped Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited in Electron Beam Excited Plasma","International Union of Materials Research Societies ? International Conference on Electronic Materials 2012","Abstracts of International Union of Materials Research Societies ? International Conference on Electronic Materials 2012",,,,"p. B-8-024-010",2012,Sept. "Hamed Vaez-Taghavi,Atsushi Hirata","Growth and Characterization of Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited by Sublimation of C60 Fullerene in Electron Beam Excited Plasma","Fourth TIT-BIT Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering","Proceedings of Fourth TIT-BIT Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering",,,,"pp. 174-180",2012,Aug. "Hamed Vaez Taghavi,Atsushi Hirata","Deposition of Mg-doped amorphous carbon films by co-evaporation of C60 fullerene and magnesium in electron beam excited plasma","第25回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム","第25回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 160-161",2011,Dec. "Taghavi Hamed Vaez,ATSUSHI HIRATA","Amorphous Carbon Films Deposition by Sublimation of C60 Fullerene in Electron Beam Excited Plasma, Diamond and Related Materials",,"Diamond and Related Materials","Elsevier","Vol. 20","No. 7","pp. 1036-1041",2011,July "平田敦,バーエズタガビ ハメド","電子ビーム励起プラズマ中でのC60フラーレン昇華によるアモルファスカーボン膜の合成",,"精密工学会誌",,"Vol. 77","No. 6","pp. 571-575",2011,June "Taghavi Hamed Vaez,ATSUSHI HIRATA","Effects of Pre-deposition Treatments of Fullerenes on the Properties of Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited from Sublimated Fullerenes in Electron Beam Excited Plasma","International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2011","Abstract Book of International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2011",,,,"p. 115",2011,May "Taghavi Hamed Vaez,ATSUSHI HIRATA","A Study on the Effect of Sublimation Source on the Properties of Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited in Electron Beam Excited Plasma","第24回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム","第24回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 188-189",2010,Nov. "Taghavi Hamed Vaez,ATSUSHI HIRATA","Deposition of Unhydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films by Sublimation of C60 Fullerene in Electron Beam Excited Plasma",,"Materials Letters",,"Vol. 64","No. 1","pp. 83-85",2010,Jan. "Taghavi Hamed Vaez,ATSUSHI HIRATA","Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited by Sublimation of C60 Fullerene in Electron Beam Excited Plasma","第23回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム","第23回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 284-285",2009,Nov. "Taghavi Hamed Vaez,ATSUSHI HIRATA","Structure and Properties of Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited by Sublimation of C60 Fullerene in Electron Beam Excited Plasma","第23回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム","第23回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 6-7",2009,Nov.