"T.M Rosa","Dissolution kinetics of elemental mercury and biosorption kinetics of dissolved inorganic mercury in freshwaters",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "T.M Rosa","Dissolution kinetics of elemental mercury and biosorption kinetics of dissolved inorganic mercury in freshwaters",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "T.M Rosa","Dissolution kinetics of elemental mercury and biosorption kinetics of dissolved inorganic mercury in freshwaters",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Rosamond R.M.S Tshumah-Mutingwende,Fumitake Takahashi","Physio-chemical effects of freshwaters on the dissolution of elemental mercury",,"Environmental Pollution","Elsevier","Vol. 252",,"pp. 627-636",2019,Aug. "Rosamond R M S Tshumah-Mutingwende,Fumitake Takahashi","Dark dissolution rate coefficient of elemental mercury in natural waters","the 10th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium "APLAS TOKYO 2018"","Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium "APLAS TOKYO 2018"","LSA",,," C1-3",2018,Nov. "Fumitake Takahashi,Rosamond Tshumah-Mutingwende","Uncertainty analysis of mercury exposure via food-chains in semi-closed water reservoir: The impact of reservoir volume and sediment thickness","2018 Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Solid wastes to Energy and Material application","Proceedings of 2018 Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Solid wastes to Energy and Material application",,,,"pp. 73-75",2018,Oct. "高橋史武,Tshumah-Mutingwende Rosamond","回収水銀の埋立処分における環境リスク評価(その4):湖沼の水体積と底質厚さが水銀曝露量に与える影響の評価","第29回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会","廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集","一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会","Vol. 29",,"pp. 499-500",2018,Sept. "Rosamond R.M.S Tshumah-Mutingwende,高橋 史武","Factors influencing the dark dissolution rate coefficient of elemental mercury in natural waters","第29回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会","廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集","一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会","Vol. 29",,"pp. 617-618",2018,Sept. "Rosamond Tshumah-Mutingwende,Fumitake Takahashi,Ewa M. Cukrowska,Julien Lusilao-Makiese","Cladophora sp. biosorption of metal-contaminated water",,"Applied Environmental Research",,"Vol. 40","No. 2","pp. 17-31",2018,May "Fumitake Takahashi,Rosamond Tshumah-Mutingwende","Quantitatively scaled negative impression of mercury: A comparison with other hazardous materials and events","22nd Korea-Japan Joint International Session, Korea Society of Waste Management","Proceedings of 22nd Korea-Japan Joint International Session, Korea Society of Waste Management","Korea Society of Waste Management",,,"pp. 541",2018,May "Fumitake Takahashi,Rosamond Tshumah-Mutingwende","The impact of uncertainty of mercury mass inflow to semi-closed water reservoir on mercury exposure to human bodies via food-chains","2017 CHINA-JAPAN-KOREA Joint Symposium on Energy and Environment","Proceedings of 2017 CHINA-JAPAN-KOREA Joint Symposium on Energy and Environment",,,,"pp. 40-41",2017,Oct. "Rosamond Tshumah-Mutingwende,Fumitake Takahashi","Effect of uncertainty of mercury fate and transport model parameters on simulated Hg exposure results","2017 CHINA-JAPAN-KOREA Joint Symposium on Energy and Environment","Proceedings of 2017 CHINA-JAPAN-KOREA Joint Symposium on Energy and Environment",,,,"pp. 24-25",2017,Oct. "Rosamond Tshumah-Mutingwende,Fumitake Takahashi,Ewa M. Cukrowska","Batch reactor design for algal biosorption of mercury-contaminated acidic water","4th EnvironmentAsia International Conference on Practical Global Policy and Environmental Dynamics "EnvironmentAsia2017"","Proceedings of 4th EnvironmentAsia International Conference on Practical Global Policy and Environmental Dynamics "EnvironmentAsia2017"","Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment",,,"pp. 84-92",2017,June "Rosamond Tshumah-Mutingwende,Fumitake Takahashi,Ewa Cukrowska,Julien Lusilao-Makiese","Batch reactor design for algal biosorption of mercury-contaminated acidic water in the presence of competing ions","21st Korea-Japan Joint International Session, Korea Society of Waste Management","Proceedings of 21st Korea-Japan Joint International Session, Korea Society of Waste Management","Korea Society of Waste Management",,,"pp. 426",2017,May