"Fukaya, R.,Yoichi Okimoto,M. Kunitomo,Ken Onda,Tadahiko Ishikawa,Shin-ya Koshihara,Hashimoto, H.,Ishihara, S.,A. Isayama,H. Yui,T. Sasagawa","Ultrafast electronic state conversion at room temperature utilizing hidden state in cuprate ladder system",,"Nature Communications",,"Vol. 6",," 8519",2015,Oct. "R. Fukaya,M. Kunitomo,Y. Okimoto,T. Ishikawa,K. Onda,S. Koshihara,H. Yui,T. Sasagawa","Ultrafast Dynamics of Photoinduced Electronic Phase Modulation in Ladder Cuprate of Sr14-xCaxCu24O41",,"Acta Physica Polonica A",," 121",," 310",2012,May "R. Nakayama,Y. Tanaka,H. Yui,H. Yamauchi,A.Q.R. Baron,T. Sasagawa","Phonon properties in the simplest cuprate compound SrCuO2",,"Physica C",," 470",," S151",2010,Jan. "T. Sasagawa,H. Yui,S. Pyon,H. Takagi,A.Q.R. Baron","Phonon softening in La1.74Eu0.1Sr0.16CuO4 studied by inelastic X-ray scattering",,"Physica C",," 470",," S51",2010,Jan.