"Mio Midorikawa,Gan Hao,David A McKeown,Xie Xiaogang,Tetsuji Yano,Ian L. Pegg","Speciation and solubility of rhenium in borosilicate waste glasses",,"Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids",,"Vol. 580",,"pp. 121219",2022,Jan. "Tetsuji YANO,Mio MIDORIKAWA,Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA,Tetsuo KISHI","Valence state of noble metal Pd in nuclear waste borosilicate glass aged around Tg","The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies","The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies",,,," 31-B4-S26-14",2019,Oct. "Mio Midorikawa,Hao Gan,David A. McKeown,Xiaogang Xie,Tetsuo Kishi,Tetsuji Yano,Ian L. Pegg","Solubility and Structural Characteristics of Rhenium in Borosilicate Waste Glasses","ICG Annual Meeting 2018","ICG annual meeting 2018 Abstract book",,,," 3B1140",2018,Sept. "Mio Midorikawa,Riku Shinjo,Tetsuo Kishi,Nobuhiro Matsushita,Tetsuji Yano","Extraction of Pd from Radioactive Waste Glass by Ion Exchange","ICG Annual Meeting 2018","ICG annual meeting 2018 Abstract book",,,," 2P046",2018,Sept. "緑川 美桜,岸 哲生,松下 伸広,矢野 哲司","銀イオン交換/内包析出法による高レヘ?ル放射性廃棄物固化カ?ラス中の金属 Pd の回収","日本セラミックス協会 2018年年会","日本セラミックス協会2018年年会予稿集",,,," 1P130",2018,Mar.