"ã“cŒõ•q,Lidyana Utami","Fe-9Cr‡‹à‚Ì…ö‹CŽ_‰»‹““®‚É‹y‚Ú‚·W“Y‰Á‚̉e‹¿","iˆêŽÐj“ú–{“S|‹¦‰ï ‘æ185‰ñt‹Gu‰‰‘å‰ï","Þ—¿‚ƃvƒƒZƒX",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 244",2023,Mar. "Lidyana Utami","Effect of Alloying Elements and Microstructure on the Steam Oxidation Behavior of 9Cr Ferritic Alloy at 923 K",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Lidyana Utami","Effect of Alloying Elements and Microstructure on the Steam Oxidation Behavior of 9Cr Ferritic Alloy at 923 K",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Lidyana Utami","Effect of Alloying Elements and Microstructure on the Steam Oxidation Behavior of 9Cr Ferritic Alloy at 923 K",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Lidyana Utami,Mitsutoshi Ueda","Steam Oxidation Behavior of W-added Fe-9Cr Alloys at 923 K","iŒöŽÐj“ú–{‹à‘®Šw‰ï2022”NtŠúi‘æ170‰ñju‰‰‘å‰ï",,,,," 201",2022,Mar. "Lidyana Utami,Mitsutoshi Ueda","The Effect of Tungsten Addition to Fe-9Cr Alloy on Steam Oxidation Behavior at 923 K",,"Oxidation of Metals",,"Vol. 97",,"pp. 341-358",2022,Jan. "Lidyana Utami,Mitsutoshi Ueda","THE EFFECT OF NIOBIUM ADDITION ON STEAM OXIDATION BEHAVIOR OF FERRITIC HEAT RESISTANT STEELS AT 923 K",,"Joint EPRI-123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials",,,,"p. 327-335",2019,Oct.