"Tomoya Higashi,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Satoshi Egawa,Toshitaka Yoshii,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Masato Sone","Silver Decoration of TI-6Al-4V Orthopedic Implant Materials by Electroless Plating","CPIT2024, New Method of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Part","CPIT2024, New Method of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Part",,,,,2024,Oct. "東 智哉,江川 聡,吉井 俊貴,陳 君怡,栗岡 智行,Mark Chang Tso-Fu,曽根 正人","チタン合金(Ti-6Al-4V)に対する無電解銀めっき","第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会","Proc. The 71st JSAP Spring MeetinProc.",,,,"p. 25p-31B-11",2024,Mar.