"Ionut Ovidiu TOMA,Toshihide KIMURA,Ken WATANABE,Junichiro NIWA","FEM Analysis of the Shear Behavior of Short RC Columns Subjected to Lateral Cyclic Loading",,"Proceedings of JCI",,"Vol. 30","No. 3","pp. 79-84",2008,July "Toma Ionut Ovidiu,TOMOHIRO MIKI,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Shear Behavior of Doubly Reinforced Concrete Beams with and without Steel Fibers Affected by Distributed Cracks",,"土木学会論文集E",,"Vol. 63","No. 4","pp. 590-607",2007,Oct. "Ionut Ovidiu Toma,TOMOHIRO MIKI,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Predicting the Shear Crack Location in RC Beams with Random Cracks Using the Crack Density Parameter",,"コンクリート工学年次論文集",,"Vol. 29","No. 3","pp. 673-678",2007,July "Ionut Ovidiu Toma,TOMOHIRO MIKI,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Sttel Fibers as a Tool to Improve Shear Carrying Capacity of RC Beams with Random Cracks","Fifth International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions Environment and Loading (CONSEC'07)","Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions: Invironment and Loading",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 777-786",2007,June "TOMOHIRO MIKI,Ionut Ovidiu Toma,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Experimental Study on the Shear Capacity of Randomly-Cracked Longitudinally-Reinforced FRC Beams","Sixth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS-6)","Proceeding of Sixth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS-6)",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 701-708",2007,June "Ionut Ovidiu Toma,TOMOHIRO MIKI,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Influence of Random Cracks on the Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Steel Fibers",,"土木学会論文集E",,"Vol. 63","No. 1","pp. 66-78",2007,Jan.