"Huyen Nguyen","Investigation of hydrogen sulfide production in a polluted estuary using a vertical column simulator",,,,,,,2013,June "Huyen Nguyen","Investigation of hydrogen sulfide production in a polluted estuary using a vertical column simulator",,,,,,,2013,June "Huyen Nguyen","Investigation of hydrogen sulfide production in a polluted estuary using a vertical column simulator",,,,,,,2013,June "Huyen Nguyen","Investigation of hydrogen sulfide production in a polluted estuary using a vertical column simulator",,,,,,,2013,June "Huyen Nguyen,Reasmey Tan,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,YASUNORI TANJI","Investigation of hydrogen sulfide production in a polluted estuary by using a vertical column simulator",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan","The Society of Chemical Engineers","Vol. 46","No. 5","pp. 359-366",2012,Nov.