"Mao Ouyang,Akihiro Takahashi","Mechanical consequence observation and microscopic visualization of internal erosion using developed plane strain erosion apparatus",,"Geotechnical Testing Journal","ASTM International","Vol. 45","No. 2","pp. 411-431",2022,Mar. "Mao Ouyang","Experimental investigation and microscopic observation on internal erosion of cohesionless soils",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Mao Ouyang","Experimental investigation and microscopic observation on internal erosion of cohesionless soils",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Mao Ouyang","Experimental investigation and microscopic observation on internal erosion of cohesionless soils",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Mao Ouyang,Akihiro Takahashi","Reply to the discussion by Ahmad ALsakran et al. on gInfluence of initial fines content on fabric of soils subjected to internal erosionh",,"Canadian Geotechnical Journal",,"Vol. 53","No. 8","pp. 1360-1361",2016,Aug. "Mao Ouyang,Akihiro Takahashi","Influence of initial fines content on fabric of soils subjected to internal erosion",,"Canadian Geotechnical Journal","NRC Research Press","Vol. 53","No. 2","pp. 299-313",2016,Feb. "Lin Ke,Mao Ouyang,Kazuki Horikoshi,Akihiro Takahashi","Soil deformation due to suffusion and its consequences on undrained behavior under various confining pressures","15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication",,"Vol. 2","No. 8","pp. 368-373",2015,Nov. "Mao Ouyang,Akihiro Takahashi","Optical quantification of suffosion in plane strain physical models",,"G?otechnique Letters","ICE Publishing","Vol. 5"," Issue 3","pp. 118-122",2015,Sept. "Mao Ouyang,Akihiro Takahashi","Image-based quantification of size and shape of colored siliceous sand",,"‘ζ50‰ρ’n”ՍHŠwŒ€‹†”­•\‰οu‰‰W",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 471-472",2015,Sept. "M. Ouyang,L. Ke,A. Takahashi","Effects of internal erosion on undrained responses of soils with different initial fines contents",,"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion",,,,"pp. 143-153",2014,Dec. "Mao Ouyang,Lin Ke,Akihiro Takahashi","Effects of non-plastic fines on undrained compressive behavior of mixed sand",,"‘ζ49‰ρ’n”ՍHŠwŒ€‹†”­•\‰οu‰‰W",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 381-382",2014,July "M. Ouyang,A. Takahashi","Influence of initial fines content on mechanical behavior of soil subjected to internal erosion",,"Proceedings of the 4th Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development",,,,"pp. 151-158",2013,Oct. "Mao Ouyang,Akihiro Takahashi","Numerical modelling of water flow over embankment using Lattice Boltzmann Method",,"“y–ΨŠw‰ο‘ζ68‰ρ”NŽŸŠwpu‰‰‰οu‰‰ŠT—vW",,"Vol. 68","No. CS2","pp. 75-76",2013,Sept.