"Jeremy D. Bricker,Akihiko Nakayama,Hiroshi Takagi,Jun Mitsui,Tomohiro Miki","Mechanisms of Damage to Coastal Structures due to the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami",,"Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners","Elseveir",,,"pp. 385-415",2015,Aug. "Jun Mitsui","Development of novel design and construction methods introducing computational fluid dynamics approach for breakwaters and artificial reefs",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Jun Mitsui","Development of novel design and construction methods introducing computational fluid dynamics approach for breakwaters and artificial reefs",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Jun Mitsui","Development of novel design and construction methods introducing computational fluid dynamics approach for breakwaters and artificial reefs",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "三井順,松本朗,半沢稔,灘岡和夫","数値解析に基づくケーソン背後の津波越流の再現と被覆材の安定性の検討","海岸工学講演会","土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)",,"Vol. 70","No. 2"," I921-I925",2014,Nov. "Bricker, J.D.,Takagi, H.,Mitsui, J.","Turbulence model effects on VOF analysis of breakwater overtopping during the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami","The 35th IAHR Congress","Proceedings of the 2013 IAHR Congress",,,,"p. 10",2013,Sept. "Jeremy D. Bricker,Hiroshi Takagi,Jun Mitsui","Punching Failure of Kamaishi Breakwater Caisson Foundations during the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami","10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering","10CUEE Conference Proceedings",,,,"pp. 1875-1882",2013,Mar.