"Shuntaro Sato,Masayuki Yamamura,Ken Komiya","Optimization of the multi-step DNA computing reaction using oxDNA MD simulation","CBI学会2020年大会",,,,,,2020,Oct. "Shuntaro Sato,Masayuki Yamamura,Ken Komiya","Optimization of the multi-step DNA computing reaction that implements a state machine","第58回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Shuntaro Sato,Yuma Ito,Yuko Sato,Hiroshi Kimura,Makio Tokunaga","Single-molecule imaging of post-translational modification using genetically encoded antibody probe.","The 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2018,Sept.