"野田 幸矢,本多 慶人,遠藤 玄,福島 文彦","ラムダ型リンクを用いたブロック運搬組立ロボットの開発","第31回日本ロボット学会学術講演会","日本ロボット学会学術講演会","日本ロボット学会",,," 2R2-04",2013,Sept. "Y Honda,M Tanaka,Y Sekiguchi,P Hemthavy,Kunio Takahashi","Optimum condition of boost switching regulator for charging tiny electric energy to capacitor",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series","IOP Publishing","Volume 379",,"pp. 1-5",2012,Aug. "Y. Honda,P. Hemthavy,Kunio Takahashi","Optimum Duty Ratio of Boost Switching Regulator for Charging Tiny Electric Energy","The 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2012)","Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop","Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"pp. 90",2012,Aug. "Y. Honda,M. Tanaka,Y. Sekiguchi,P. Hemthavy,K. Takahashi","Optimum Duty Ratio of Boost Switching Regulator for Charging Tiny Electric Energy to Capacitor","International Symposium on Materials Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society --- Eco-Materials and Eco-Innovation for Global Sustainability --- The 21st Iketani Conference 2011","Proceeding of ECO-MATES 2011","Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University","Volume 1",,"pp. 85-86",2011,Nov.