"Phuoc Vo Thanh","Biodiesel production from microalgae through hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae paste as the pretreatment step",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Phuoc Vo Thanh","Biodiesel production from microalgae through hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae paste as the pretreatment step",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Phuoc Vo Thanh","Biodiesel production from microalgae through hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae paste as the pretreatment step",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Vo Thanh Phuoc,Kunio Yoshikawa","Comparison between direct transesterification of microalgae and hydrochar",,"AIMS Energy",,"Vol. 5","No. 4","pp. 652-666",2017,July "Vo Thanh Phuoc,Kunio Yoshikawa","Effect of the storage condition of microalgae on hydrochar lipids and direct esterification-transesterification of hydrochar lipids for biodiesel production",,"AIMS Energy",,"Vol. 5","No. 1","pp. 39-53",2017,Jan. "Vo Thanh Phuoc,Kunio Yoshikawa","Recovery of inorganic flocculants (Fe, Al) via hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae","2016 Japan-Korea-China Joint Symposium on Energy and Environment",,,,,,2016,Oct. "Vo Thanh Phuoc,Kunio Yoshikawa","Hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae and direct esterification-transesterification of hydrochar for biodiesel production","6th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts",,,,,,2016,June