"W. M. A. B. Wijesundara,Joong-Sun Lee,Dara Tith,Eleni Aloupogianni,Hiroyuki Suzuki,Takashi Obi","Security-enhanced firmware management scheme for smart home IoT devices using distributed ledger technologies",,"International Journal of Information Security",,,,,2024,Mar. "Dara Tith,Joong-Sun Lee,Hiroyuki Suzuki,W M A B Wijesundara,Naoko Taira,Takashi Obi,Nagaaki Ohyama","Patient Consent Management by a Purpose-Based Consent Model for Electronic Health Record Based on Blockchain Technology",,"Healthc Inform Research",,"Vol. 26","No. 3","pp. 265-273",2020,Oct. "Dara TITH","Data Sharing and Consent Management of Electronic Health Record based on the Blockchain Technology",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Dara Tith","Data Sharing and Consent Management of Electronic Health Record based on the Blockchain Technology",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Dara Tith","Data Sharing and Consent Management of Electronic Health Record based on the Blockchain Technology",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Dara Tith,Joong-Sun Lee,Hiroyuki Suzuki,W. M. A. B. Wijesundara,Naoko Taira,Takashi Obi,Nagaaki Ohyama","Application of Blockchain to Maintaining Patient Records in Electronic Health Record for Enhanced Privacy, Scalability, and Availability",,"Healthcare Informatics Research",,"Vol. 26","No. 1","pp. 3-12",2020,Jan. "Anushka Wijesundara,Joong-Sun LEE,Dara TITH,Hiroyuki SUZUKI,Takashi OBI","Development of a firmware authenticating and updating scheme for smart home IoT devices using distributed ledger technologies","コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2019 (CSS2019)",,,," 2F2-2",,2019,Oct.