"Xudong Chen,Hilofumi Yamamoto,Bor Hodoscek","Translation-based connotation visualization for classical poetic Japanese vocabulary of the Kokin Wakash? ca. 905",,"Journal of Computational Literary Studies","Universit?ts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt","Vol. 2","Issue 1","pp. 1-32",2024,Feb. "Xudong Chen,Bor Hodoscek,Hilofumi Yamamoto","Near-synonym noun-noun patterns in the Hachidaishu Dataset","JADH 2023 possibilities of data-driven humanities","The 12th conference of JADH; Proceedings of JADH conference",,"Vol. 2023",,"pp. 49-52",2023,Sept. "Hilofumi Yamamoto,Bor Hodoscek,Xudong Chen","Development of a dataset for comparison between predicate verb phrases in the Kokinshu and their contemporary translations","JADH 2023 possibilities of data-driven humanities","The 12th conference of JADH; Proceedings of JADH conference.",,"Vol. 2023",,"pp. 64-67",2023,Sept. "Xudong Chen,Hilofumi Yamamoto,Bor Hodoscek","Translation-based connotation visualization for classical poetic Japanese vocabulary of the Kokin Wakash? ca. 905","Conference Reader of 2nd Annual Conference of Computational Literary Studies","Conference Reader: 2nd Annual Conference of Computational Literary Studies (CCLS2023)",,"vol. 2023","no. 1",,2023,June "陳 旭東,ホドシチェク ボル,山元 啓史","単語アライメントの誤り対応を用いた歌ことばのコノテーション検出","じんもんこん2022 人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム","人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム2022論文集","情報処理学会","Vol. 2022","No. 1","pp. 111-118",2022,Dec. "Xudong Chen,Hilofumi Yamamoto,Bor Hodoscek","Token-based semantic vector space model for classic poetic Japanese","The 11th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities","Proceedings of JADH conference","Japanese Association for Digital Humanities","Vol. 2021",,"pp. 77-81",2021,Sept.