"Bageshree Katneshwarkar","Quantitative Investigation of Drought Impacts on Agriculture and Relation with Socioeconomic Security of Farmers",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Bageshree Katneshwarkar","Quantitative Investigation of Drought Impacts on Agriculture and Relation with Socioeconomic Security of Farmers",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Bageshree Katneshwarkar","Quantitative Investigation of Drought Impacts on Agriculture and Relation with Socioeconomic Security of Farmers",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Bageshree, K.,Abhishek,Kinouchi, T.","A Multivariate Drought Index for Seasonal Agriculture Drought Classification in Semiarid Regions",,"Remote Sensing",,"Vol. 14","Issue 16",,2022,Aug. "Bageshree, K.,Kinouchi, T.","Integration of Multiple Drought Indices for Agriculture Drought Categorization, and Impact Assessment in Central India","EGU General Assembly 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Bageshree, K.,Abhishek,Kinouchi, T.","Unraveling the Multiple Drivers of Greening-Browning and Leaf Area Variability in a Socioeconomically Sensitive Drought-Prone Region",,"Climate",,"Vol. 10","Issue 5",,2022,May "Bageshree, K.,Abhishek,Kinouchi, T.","Trends in Hydroclimatic Variables and Their Implications on the Socio-hydrologic Security in the Maharashtra State of India","AGU Fall Meeting 2021",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Katneshwarkar, B.,Kinouchi. T.","Greening and browning analysis in Peninsular India detected by change in Leaf Area Index and its relation to the climatic conditions","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020",,,,,,2020,July "Katneshwarkar, B.,Kinouchi. T.","Comparison of five smoothing methods for noise removal in MODIS LAI time series data","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020",,,,,,2020,July