"T. Oshima,K. Kaminaga,H. Mashiko,A. Mukai,K. Sasaki,T. Masui,A. Kuramata,S. Yamakoshi,A. Ohtomo","β-Ga2O3 photoeledtrode for water splitting","The 41th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductor",,,,,,2014,May "T. Oshima,K. Kaminaga,H. Mashiko,A. Mukai,K. Sasaki,T. Masui,A. Kuramata,S. Yamakoshi,A. Ohtomo","β-Ga2O3 single crystal as a photoelectrode for water splitting",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 52",," 111102-1-4",2013,Nov. "大島 孝仁,神永 健一,増子 尚徳,向井 章,佐々木 公平,増井 建和,倉又 朗人,山腰 茂伸,大友 明","β-Ga2O3単結晶光電極の特性評価","第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2013,Sept. "T. Oshima,K. Kaminaga,A. Mukai,K. Sasaki,T. Masui,A. Kuramata,S. Yamakoshi,S. Fujita,A. Ohtomo","Semi-insulation behavior in conducting β-Ga2O3 single crytal surfaces by thermal oxidation","32nd Electronic materials Symposium",,,,,,2013,July "T. Oshima,K. Kaminaga,A. Mukai,K. Sasaki,T. Masui,A. Kuramata,S. Yamakoshi,S. Fujita,A. Ohtomo","Semi-insulation of conducting β-Ga2O3 single crystal surfaces by thermal oxidation","The 40th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors",,,,,,2013,May "T. Oshima,K. Kaminaga,A. Mukai,K. Sasaki,T. Masui,A. Kuramata,S. Yamakoshi,S. Fujita,A. Ohtomo","Formation of semi-insulating layers on semiconducting β-Ga2O3 single crystals by thermal oxidation",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics","The Japan Society of Applied Physics","Volume 52","Number 5"," 051101-1-5",2013,Apr. "大島 孝仁,神永 健一,向井 章,佐々木 公平,増井 建和,倉又 朗人,山腰 茂伸,藤田 静雄,大友 明","熱酸化によるβ-Ga2O3単結晶表面の半絶縁層形成","第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2013,Mar.