"Tsutomu Mita,Xin Xin,Brian D. O. Anderson","Extended H-infinity control ---H-infinity control with unstable weights---",,"Automatica (accepted)",,,,,2000, "Xin Xin,Brian D. O. Anderson,Tsutomu Mita","Complete solution of the 4-block H-infinity control problem with infinite and finite jw-axis zeros",,"International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control(accepted)",,,,,2000, "Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita","Optimal control design of self- excited vibration systems",,"IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics",,"Vol. V",,"pp. 110--115",1999, "Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita","A direct and numerically stable state-space design of interactor for a non-square system",,"14th IFAC World Congress",,"Vol. D",,"pp. 369--374",1999, "Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita","A control design of self-excited vibration systems",,"第28回制御理論シンポジウム資料",,,,"pp. 47--52",1999, "Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita","A new control design of self-excited vibration systems",,"38th SICE Annual Conference",,,,"pp. 679--680",1999, "池田,南,美多,忻","可変拘束制御によるノンホロノミック浮遊機械系の姿勢制御",,"第28回制御理論シンポジウム資料",,,,"pp. 175--180",1999, "忻,美多,何","一般化リカッチ方程式の強解と最大解について",,"システム制御情報学会論文誌",,"Vol. 12","No. 12"," 725--731",1999, "南,美多,忻,島田","インタラクタの直接設計に基づく可逆システムのスライデングモード制御",,"電気学会論文誌C",,"Vol. 119","No. 10","pp. 1208--1216",1999, "Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita","(J, J')-lossless factorization approach to  H∞ control  problems with infinite and finite jw-axis zeros",,"38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control",,,,"pp. 3132--3137",1999, "Brian D. O. Anderson,Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita","The parameterization of all controllers for 4-block H-infinity control problems with infinite and finite jw-axis zeros",,"Proceedings of American Control Conference",,,,"pp. 1970--1974",1998, "Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita,Brian D. O. Anderson","Solvability conditions for 4-block H-infinity control problems with infinite and finite jw-axis zeros",,"Proceedings of the American control anference",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 1965-1969",1998, "Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita","Inner-outer fact-orization for non- square proper functions with infinite and finite jw-axis zeros",,"International Journal of Control",,"Vol. 71","No. 1","pp. 145--161",1998, "Taek-kun Nam,Xin Xin,Tsutomu Mita,Akira Shimada","Sliding mode control for invertible systems based on a direct design of interactors",,"37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control",,,,"pp. 2425--2430",1998, "Lei Guo,Xin Xin,Chunbo Feng","Reduced-order output feedback controllers for the robust H-infinity performace problem",,"Chinese science bulletin",,"Vol. 42","No. 6","pp. 517-522",1997, "Lei Guo,Xin Xin,Chunbo Feng","An LMI-based unified approach to reduced-order controller design",,"Science in China(series E)",,"Vol. 40","No. 6","pp. 612-622",1997, "忻欣","拡張H-infinity 制御-H-infinity サーボ問題と推定問題の統一的解法-",,"計測自動制御学会論文集",,"Vol. 33","No. 7","pp. 656-664",1997, "XIN XIN","Reduced-order controller output feedback controllers for the robust H-infinity performance problem",,"Chinese Bulletin",,"Vol. 42","No. 6","pp. 517-522",1997, "XIN XIN","Recluced-order controllers for continuous and discrete time singular H-infinity control problems based on LM1(共著)",,"Automatica",,"Vol. 32","No. 11","pp. 581-585",1996, "XIN XIN","The design of strictly proper H-infinity controllers for general generalized plants via LM1",,"Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 1009-1015",1996, "Chunbo Feng,Yuping Tian,Xin Xin","Robust Control System Design (in Chinese)",,"Southeast University Press","Southeast University Press",,,,1995, "Chunbo Feng,Yuping Tian,Xin, X.","Robust Control System Design (in Chinese) ",,"Southeast University Press","Southeast University Press",,,,1995, "Xin Xin,Hidenori Kimura","(J, J')-lossless factorization for descriptor systems",,"Linear Algebra and its Applications",,"Vol. 206",,"pp. 1289--1318",1994, "Xin Xin,Hidenori Kimura","Chain-scattering approach to non-standard H-infinity control problems. In U. Helmke , R. Mennicken (Ed.), Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications",,"Akademie Verlag, Berlin","Akademie Verlag, Berlin","Vol. I",,"pp. 183--208",1994, "Yuping Tian,Chunbo Feng,Xin Xin","Robust stability of polynomials with multilinearly dependent coefficient perturbations",,"IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control",,"Vol. 39","No. 4","pp. 554--558",1994, "Xin Xin,Hidenori Kimura","Singular (J, J')-lossless factorization for strictly proper functions",,"International Journal of Control",,"Vol. 59","No. 6","pp. 1383--1400",1994, "忻欣","Studies on singular H-infinity control theory",,,,,,,1993,