"Tokuzo Shiga,Hiroshi Tanaka","Infinitely divisible random probability distributions with application to a random motion in a random environment",,"Electronic Journal of Probability",,"Vol. 11",," 1144-1183",2006, "M. Cranston,T.S. Mountford,T. Shiga","Lyapunov exponents for the parabolic Anderson model with Levy noise.",,"Probability Theory and Related Fields",,"Vol. 132",,"pp. 331-355",2005, "F. Comets,T. Shiga,N. Yoshida","Probabilistic analysis of directed polymers in a random environment: a review. Stochastic analysis on large scale interacting systems",,"Adv. Stud. Pure Math.",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 115-142",2004, "TOKUZO SHIGA","A conditional limit theorem for generalized diffusion processes. J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 43 (2003)",,"Journal of Mathematics, Kyoto University",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 567--583",2003, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Directed polymers in a random environment: path localization and strong disorder.",,"Bernoulli",,"Vol. 9",,,2003, "TOKUZO SHIGA"," A Fleming-Viot process with unbounded selection, II.",,"Kluwer Academic Publishers","Kluwer Academic Publishers",,,,2002, "T. Shiga,A. Shimizu,T. Soshi","Passage-time moments for positively recurrent Markov chains.",,"Nagoya Mathematical Journal",,"Vol. 162",,"pp. 163-185",2001, "志賀徳造","ルベーグ積分から確率論",,"共立出版","共立出版",,,,2000, "TOKUZO SHIGA","A Fleming-Viot process with unbounded selection",,"Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University",,"Vol. 40","No. 2","pp. 337-361",2000, "Z. Li,T. Shiga,L. Yau","A reversibility problem for the Fleming-Viot processes.",,"Electronic Communication in Probability",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 71-82",1999, "T. Cox,A. Greven,T. Shiga","Finite and infinite systems for interacting diffusions : Cluster formation and universality properties. 192 (1988), 105-124.",," Mathematische Nachrichten",,"Vol. 192",,"pp. 105-124",1998, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Sample Lyapunov exponent for a class of linear Markovian systems over Zd.",,"Osaka Journal of Mathematics",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 35-72",1997, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Exponential decay rate of survival probability in a disastrous random environment",,"Probability Theory and Related Fields",,"Vol. 108",,"pp. 417-439",1997, "T. Cox,A. Greven,T. Shiga","Finite and Infinite Systems for Interacting Diffusions",,"Probability Theory and Related Fields",,"Vol. 103",,"pp. 165-197",1995, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Measure-valied Branching Diffusions;Immigration,Excursions and Limit Theovems.",,"Journal of Mathematics Kyoto University",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 247-288",1995, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Neutral allelic genealogy",,"CRM Proceeding and Lecture Notes",,,"No. 5","pp. 87-98",1994, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Two contrasting properties for solutions of one dimensional stochastic partial differential equations",,"Canadian Mathematical Journals",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 415-437",1994, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Stationary distribution problem for interacting diffusion systems",,"CRM Proceeding and Lecture Notes",,,"No. 5","pp. 199-212",1994, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Ergodic theorems and exponential decay of sample paths for interacting diffusion systems",,"Osaka Journal of Mathematics",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 329-347",1992, "TOKUZO SHIGA","A stochastic equation based on a Poisson system for a class of measure-valued diffusion processes",,"Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto university",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 245-279",1990, "TOKUZO SHIGA","A recurrence criterion for Markov processes of Ornstein-Ublenbeck type",,"Probability Theory and Related Fields",,"Vol. 85","No. 0425-447",,1990, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Stepping stone models in population genetics and population dynamics",,"Stochastic processes in physics and Engineering","Stochastic processes in physics and Engineering",,,"pp. 345-355",1988, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Tagged particle motion in a clustered random walk system",,"Stochastic processes and their applications",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 225-252",1988, "TOKUZO SHIGA","Stochastic partial differential equations for some measure-valued processes",,"Probability Theory and Related Fields",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 201-225",1988, "TOKUZO SHIGA","A Class of infinite-dimensional diffusion processes in population genetics",,"Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 17-25",1987, "志賀徳造","An interacting system in population genetics",,,,,,,1979,