"KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Asymptotic estimates of the Green functions and transition probabilities for Markov additive processe",,"Electric Journal of Probability",,"Vol. 12","no. 6","pp. 138-180",2007,Feb. "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Behavior of solutions to the initial value problem for a class of integro-differential equations",,"Nonlinear Analysis",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 1035-1053",2002, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA"," A non-linear evolution equation driven by a logarithmic potential",," Bull. London Math. Soc.",,"Vol. 32","No. 156","pp. 353-363",2000, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Pressure in classical statistical mechanics and interacting Brownian particles in multi-dimensions",," Annales Henri Poincare (J. Theor. Math. Phys.)",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 1159-1202",2000, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Uniqueness of solutions to the initial value problem for an integro-differential equation",," Diff. Int. Eqs.",,"Vol. 13","No. 4-6","pp. 401-422",2000, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Scaling Limit for a Mechanical System of Interacting Particles II",,"Commun. Math. Phys.",,"Vol. 196",,"pp. 681-701",1998, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Green's functions for random walks on Z„°D1N„²D1",,"Proc. London Math. Soc.",,"Vol. 77","No. 3","pp. 215-240",1998, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Scaling limits for large systems of interacting particles,",,"in Advances in nonlinear partial differential equations and stochastics(ed. S. Kawashima and T. Yanagisawa)Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences.",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 87-132",1998, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Scaling Limit for a Mechanical System of Interacting Particles",,"Commun-Math.Phys",,"Vol. 177",,"pp. 103-128",1996, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Wiener's test for space-time random walks and its applications (with Y. Fukai)",,"Trans. AMS",,"Vol. 348","No. 10","pp. 22",1996, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Hydrodynamic limit for a spin system on a multidimensional lattice (with Y. Suzuki)",,"Probal. Th. Rel. Fields",,,,"pp. 93",1992, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","A probabilistic proof and applications of Wiener's test for the heat operator",,"Math. Ann.",,,,"pp. 283",1989, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","On the Boltzmann-Grad limit for the Broadwell model of the Boltszmann equation",,"J. Stat. Phys.",,,,"pp. 52",1988, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Asymptotic behavior of solutions of reactin-diffusion equatins with varying drift coefficients",,"Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.",,,,"pp. 90",1985, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","Brownian first exit and sojourn over one sided moving boundary and application",,"Zeitshrift, Wahrsheinlichkseits-theorie verw, Gebiete",,,,"pp. 54",1980, "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","The behavior of solutions of some semi-linear diffusion equations for large time",,,,,,,1978,Mar. "KOUHEI UCHIYAMA","The behavior of solutions of some non-linear diffusion equations for large time",,"Journal of Math. Kyoto Univ.",,,,"pp. 18",1978,