"石井志保子","数学の道しるべ 研究者の道とは何か",,,"サイエンス社",,,"Page 202",2011,Apr.
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Nash problem for a toric pair and the minimal log-discrepancy",,"Comptes Rendus Math. Acad. Sci. Paris",,"Vol. 348",,"pp. 985-988",2010,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Isomorphisms of jet schemes",,"Comptes Rendus Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada.",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 19-23",2010,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Smoothness and jet schemes",,"Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 187-199",2009,Dec.
"石井志保子","運命のつながり ガロワ理論",,"この定理が美しい","数学書房",,,,2009,June
"Shihoko Ishii","Maximal divisorial sets in arc spaces",,"Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 237-249",2008,Mar.
"Tommaso de Fernex,Lawrence Ein,Shihoko Ishii","Divisorial valuations via arcs",,"Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ.",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 425-448",2008,
"Shihoko Ishii","Jet schemes, arc spaces and the Nash problem",,"C.R.Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada",,"Vol. 29","No. 1","pp. 1-21",2007,Mar.
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Jet schemes, arc spaces and the Nash map",,"C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada",,"Vol. 29","No. 1","pp. 1--21",2007,Mar.
"Shihoko Ishii","The local Nash problem on arc families of singularities",,"Annales de L'Institut Fourier",,"Vol. 56","No. 4","pp. 1207-1224",2006,
"Shihoko Ishii","Arcs, valuations and the Nash map",,"J. reine angew Math.",,"Vol. 588",,"pp. 71-92",2005,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","The arc space of a toric variety.",,"Journal of Algebra",,"Vol. 278",,"pp. 666-683",2004,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Extremal functions and prime blow-ups.",," Comm. Alg.",,"Vol. 32","No. 2","pp. 819-817",2004,
"Shihoko Ishii,Janos Kollar","The Nash problem on arc families of singularities.",,"Duke Math. J.",,"Vol. 120","No. 3","pp. 601-620",2003,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","The invariant -K2 and continued fractions for 2-dimensional cyclic quotient singularities.",,"Abhandlungen Math. Sem. Hamburg,",,"Vol. 72",," 207-215",2002,
"Shihoko Ishii,Pierre Milman","The geometric minimal models of analytic spaces",,"Mathematische Annalen",,"Vol. 323",,"pp. 437-451",2002,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Singularities in the world of mathematics, in "My Life"",,,"内田老鶴圃",,,"Page 332",2001,June
"石井志保子","現代数学の展望",,"日本評論社","日本評論社",,,"pp. 210",2001,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Hypersurface exceptional singularities",,"International Journal of Mathematics",,"Vol. 12","No. 6","pp. 661-687",2001,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Hypersurface non-rational singularities which look canonical from their Newton boundaries.",," Math. Zeitschrift",,"Vol. 237",,"pp. 125-147",2001,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","On toric image divisors",,"Communications in Algebra",,"Vol. 29","No. 3","pp. 1165-1173",2001,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","The quotient of log-canonical singularities by finite groups",,"Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 135-161",2000,
"Hao Chen,Shihoko ishii","On -K2 for normal surface singularities II",,"International Journal of Mathematics",,"Vol. 11","No. 9","pp. 1193-1202",2000,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","The minimal model theorem for divisors of toric varieties",,"Tohoku Math. J.",,"Vol. 51",,"pp. 213-226",1999,
"Hao Chen,Shihoko Ishii","On -K2 for normal surface singularities",,"International J. Math.",,"Vol. 9","No. 6","pp. 653-668",1998,
"石井志保子","特異点入門",,"シュプリンガーフェアラーク東京","シュプリンガーフェアラーク東京","Vol. 1",,"pp. 263",1997,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","The weighted blowing ups of singularities with k=o",,"Studies in Adv. Math.",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 75-82",1997,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Minimal, canonical and log-canonical models of hypersurface singularities",,"Contemporary Math.",,"Vol. 207",,"pp. 63-77",1997,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","The canonical modifications by weighted blow-ups",,"J. of Algebraic Geometry",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 783-799",1996,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Plurigenera of normal isolated singularities",,"Singularity Theory, World Scientific","Singularity Theory, World Scientific",,,"pp. 263-275",1995,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","A Fano 3-fold with non-rational singularities and a two dimensional basis",,"Abhandlungen Math. Hamburg",,"Vol. 64",,"pp. 249-277",1994,
"Shihoko Ishii,Kimio Watanabe","A geometric characterization of a simple K3-Singularities",,"Tohoku Math. J.",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 19-24",1992,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Simultaneous canonical modifications of deformations of isolated singularities",,"Springer lecture Note, Proceeding of Satellite Conference of ICM60, Algebraic Geometry and Analytic Geometry",,,,"pp. 81-100",1991,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Quasi-Gorenstein Fano 3-folds with the isolated non-rational loci",,"Compositio Math.",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 335-341",1991,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","The Asymptotic Behavior of Pluri-genera for a Normal Isolated Singnlarity",,"Mathematische Annalen",,"Vol. 286",,"pp. 803-812",1990,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Two dimensional Sigularities with Bounded Pluri-genera δm are Q-Gorenstein Singnlarities",,"Proceeding of Symposium of Singnlarities Iowa 1986 Contemporary Mathematics",,"Vol. 90",,"pp. 139-145",1989,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Small Deformations of Normal Singularities",,"Mathematische Annalen",,"Vol. 275",,"pp. 139-148",1986,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Isolated Q-Gorenstein singularities of dimension three",,"Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 165",1986,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Du Bois singularities on a normal surface",,"Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 153",1986,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","On isolated Gorenstein singularities",,"Mathematische Annalen",,"Vol. 270",,"pp. 541",1985,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Moduli of subrings of a local ring",,,,,,,1984,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","A characterization of hyperplane cuts of smooth complete intersections",,"Proceedings of Japan Academy",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 309",1983,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","On pluri-genera and mixed Hodge structures of isolated singularities",,"Proceedings of the Japan Academy",,"Vol. 59",,"pp. 355",1983,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Chow instability of certain projective varieties",,"Nagoya Mathematical Journal",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 39",1983,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Moduli space of polarized del Pezzo surfaces and its compactication",,"Tokyo Journal of Mathematics",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 289",1982,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Global moduli of equisingular complete curves",,"Journal of Algebra",,"Vol. 78",,"pp. 264",1982,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Moduli of subrings of a local ring",,"Journal of Algebra",,"Vol. 67",,"pp. 504",1980,
"SHIHOKO ISHII","Some projective contraction theorems",,"Manuscripta Mathematica",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 343",1977,