"TAKEAKI UNO","Studies on Speeding up Enumeration Algorithms",,,,,,,1998,Feb. "TAKEAKI UNO","Algorithms for Enumerating All Perfect, Maximum and Maximal Matchings in Bipartite Graphs",,"Lecture. Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag",,"Vol. 1350",,"pp. 92-101",1997, "TAKEAKI UNO","An Optimal Algorithm for Scanning All Spanning Trees of Undirected Graphs",,"SIAM Journal of Computing",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 678-692",1997, "TAKEAKI UNO","A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding a k-Tree Core",,"Journal of Algorithms",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 281-290",1997, "TAKEAKI UNO","An Algorithm for Enumerating All Directed Spanning Trees in a Directed Graph",,"Lecture. Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag",,"Vol. 1178",,"pp. 166-173",1996,