"M. I. Awad,C. Harnoode,K. Tokuda,T. Ohsaka","Simultaneous electroanalysis of peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide using square-wave voltammetry",,"Electrochemistry",,"Vol. 68","No. 11","pp. 895-897",2000, "K. Arihara,F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Adsorption structure of the heptyl viologen radical on a mercury electrode surface: voltammetric and in situ infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic studies",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 488","No. 2","pp. 117-124",2000, "N. Nanbu,F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Adsorption of Atomic Hydrogen on a Polycrystalline Pt Electrode Surface Studied by FT-IRAS: the Influence of Adsorbed Carbon Monoxide on the Spectral Feature",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 485","No. 2","pp. 128-134",2000, "“d‹C‰»Šw‰ï•Ò,“¿“ckˆê","‘æ5”Å “d‹C‰»Šw•Ö—— (•ª’S)",,"ŠÛ‘P","ŠÛ‘P",,,,2000, "N. Nanbu,F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Adsorption of pyridine on a polycrystalline gold electrode surface studied by infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 470","No. 2","pp. 136-143",1999, "N. Nanbu,F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Adsorption behavior of pyridinecarboxylic acids in acidic solution on a polycrystalline gold electrode surface studied by infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy",,"Electrochemistry",,"Vol. 67","No. 12","pp. 1165-1167",1999, "K. Arihara,F. Kitamura,K. Nukanobu,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Voltammetric and spectroscopic study of the adsorption of alkyl viologens on a HOPG electrode",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 473","No. 1","pp. 138-144",1999, "K. Arihara,F. Kitamura,K. Nukanobu,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Voltammetric and spectroscopic study of the adsorption of alkyl viologens on a HOPG electrode",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 473","No. 1,2","pp. 138-144",1999, "C. Harnoode,K. Takamura,H. Hubota,K. Sho,K. Fujisawa,F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka. K. Tokuda","Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical studies on sandwich-type bis-(phthalocyaninato)lanthanide complexes",,"Electrochemistry (Denki Kagaku)",,"Vol. 67","No. 8","pp. 832-838",1999, "J.-F. Wu,Y. Che,T. Okajima,F. Matsumoto,K. Tokuda,T. Ohsaka","Electroreduction of oxygen in quinoline and isoquinoline",,"Electrochim. Acta",,"Vol. 45","No. 6","pp. 987-991",1999, "N. Wakabayashi,F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Effect of anions on the kinetics of tris(1,10-phenanthroline)cobalt(II)/(III) redox-electrode reaction on a platinum(111) single electrode",,"Electrochemistry",,"Vol. 67","No. 12","pp. 1181-1183",1999, "S. Kishi-ka,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Spectroelectrochemical detection of an intermediate in the alcohol oxidation process with a nitroxyl radical",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 3","pp. 343",1998, "K. Yamada,F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Microelectrodes with Leak of Solution",,"Denki Kagaku",,"Vol. 66","No. 3","pp. 321",1998, "K.V. Gobi,K. Tokuda,T. Ohsaka","Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies on Nickel(II/III)Complexes with Novel 14-Membered Hexaaza Macrocyclic Functionalized with Propeny Groups",,"Electrochim. Acta",,"Vol. 43","No. 9","pp. 1013",1998, "F. Kitamura,N. Nanbu,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","A kinetic and in situ infrared spectroscopic study of the [Fe(CN)6]3-/[Fe(CN)6]4- couple on plattinum single crystal electrodes",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 456","No. 1","pp. 113",1998, "F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Infrared spectroscopic observation of water at a polycrystalline gold electrode laqueous perchlorate solution interface",,"Electrochim. Acta",,"Vol. 42","No. 8","pp. 1235",1997, "K. Tanaka,K. Tokuda","Experimental Techniques in Bioelectrochemistry(•ª’S)",,"Birkh auser Verlag","Birkh auser Verlag",,,,1996, "K. Yamada,F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Response Time of Thin-Layer Electrolytic cells to Potential-Step Signals",,"J. Electrochem. Soc.",,"Vol. 143","No. 12","pp. 4006",1996, "KOICHI TOKUDA","Relationship between the skew Angle and Interplanar Distance in Four Bis(phthalocyaninato)Lanthanide(III)Tetrabutylammonium salts(INBu„°D24„²D2]ILn„°D1III„²D1PC„°D22„²D2] ; Ln=nd, Gd, Ho, Lu)(‹¤’˜)",,"Inorg. Chem.",,"Vol. 35","No. 20","pp. 5798",1996, "F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Infrared Spectroscopic Observation of Water at a Polycrystalline Gold Electrodel Aqueous Halide Solution Interface",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 412","No. 1","pp. 183",1996, "KOICHI TOKUDA","AC Voltammertry at Microcylinder Electrodes(‹¤’˜)",,"J.Electroanl.Chem.",,"Vol. 396","No. 1+2","pp. 365",1995, "KOICHI TOKUDA","Mediated Electron Transfer of Polyethylene Oxide-Modified Superoxide Dismutase by Methyl Viologen(‹¤’˜)",,"Bioelectrochem.Bioenerg.",,"Vol. 37","No. 1","pp. 73",1995, "KOICHI TOKUDA","Electrogeneration of Super Oxide Ion on Thiophenol Modified Gold Electride in Aqueous Solution(‹¤’˜)",,"Denki Kagaku",,"Vol. 63","No. 12","pp. 1205",1995, "KOICHI TOKUDA","Simultaneous Determination of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid with Poly(3-methythiophene)/Polypyrrole Bilayer-coated Carbon Fiber Electrodes(‹¤’˜)",,"Anal. Sci",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 399",1994, "M. Tsushima,K. Tokuda,T. Ohsaka","Use of Hydrodynamic Chronocoulometry for Simultaneous Determination of Diffusion Coefficients and Concentrations of Dioxygen in Various Media(‹¤’˜)",,"Anal. Chem.",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 4551",1994, "F. Kitamura,T. Ohsaka,K. Tokuda","Effect of Complexation by Cyclodextrin on the Voltammetric Charactecrstic of Viologen Adsorbed on an HMDE(‹¤’˜)",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 368","No. 1","pp. 281",1994, "KOICHI TOKUDA","Adsorption Beharior of Viologen Derivatives on Hanging Mercury Electrode Surface(‹¤’˜)",,"J, Electroanal Chem",,"Vol. 347","No. 1-2","pp. 371",1993, "KOICHI TOKUDA","In Situ Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectra of Heptyl Viologen Adsorbed on a Merwry Electrode Surface (‹¤’˜)",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 353","No. 1-2","pp. 323",1993, "“¿“ckˆê","‰»Šw•Ö——Šî‘b•Ò(‰ü’è4”Å)“ú–{‰»Šw‰ï•Ò(•ª’S)",,"ŠÛ‘P","ŠÛ‘P",,,,1993, "KOICHI TOKUDA","The Third Oxidtation Potentials and the Third Reduction Potentials of Biscphthalocyaninatol Ianthanide Complexes (‹¤’˜)",,"Denki Kagaku",,"Vol. 61","No. 7","pp. 767",1993, "KOICHI TOKUDA","Reaction Entropies for O„°D22„²D2lO„°D22„²D2„°D1-„²D1 Redox Couple in Aprotic Solvents (‹¤’˜)",,"Bioelectrochem. 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