"N. Sonoyama,Y. Yasaki,T. Sakata","Formation of aluminum nitride using lithium nitride as a source of N3- in the molten aluminum chloride",,"Chem. Lett.",,,,"pp. 203-204",1999, "N. Sonoyama,M. Kirii,T. Sakata","Electrochemical reduction of CO2 at metal-porphyrin supported gas diffusion electrodes under high pressure CO2",,"Electrochemistry Communications",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 213-216",1999, "N. Sonayama,T. Sakata","Electrochemical continuous decomposition of chloroform and other volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons in water using a column type metal impregnated carbon fiber electrode",,"Environ. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 3438-3442",1999, "Y. Yasaki,N. Sonoyama,T. Sakata","Semiconductor sensitization of colloidal In2S3 on wide gap semiconductors",,"J. Electroanal. Chem.",,"Vol. 469",,"pp. 116-122",1999, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrocatalytic reduction of NO on metal electrodes and gas diffusion electrodes in an aqueous electrolyte()",,"Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry",,"Vol. 451",,"pp. 181",1998, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Advances in chemical conversions for mitigating carbon dioxide()",,"Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis",,"Vol. 114",,"pp. 577",1998, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical decomposition of CFC-12 using gas diffusion electrodes()",,"Environmental Science & Technology",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 375",1998, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrocatalytic fischer-tropsch reactions. Formation of hidrocarbons and oxygen-containing compounds from CO on a Pt gas diffusion electrode. ()",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 70","No. 4","pp. 745-754",1997, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Change in the product selectivity for the electrochemical COD22D2 reduction by adsorption of sulfide ion on electrodes()",,"Journal of Electroanalytical chemistry",,"Vol. 434",,"pp. 239",1997, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical COD22D2 reduction on a glassy carbon electrode under high pressure()",,"Electroanalytical Chemistry",,"Vol. 421",,"pp. 1-4",1997, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrocatalytic formation of CHD24D2 from COD22D2 on a Pt gas diffusion electrode()",,"Journal of the electrochemical Society",,"Vol. 144","No. 2","pp. 539-545",1997, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Reductive electrochemical decompostion of colorfilm on metal electrodes()",,"Chemistry Letters",,,,"pp. 131-132",1997, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Active electrochemical dissolution of molybdenum and application for room-temperature synthesis of crystallized luminescent calcium molybdate film. ()",,"Journal of American ceramic society",,"Vol. 80","No. 3","pp. 765-769",1997, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Large current density COD22D2 reduction under high pressure using gas diffusion electrodes()",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 70",,"pp. 571-576",1997, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Synthesis of tungstate thin films and their optical properties()",,"Bulletin of the chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 69",,"pp. 1241-1245",1996, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Quantum mechanical electrode theory of electron transfer reactions at metal electrodes",,"Bullitin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 69",,"pp. 2435-2446",1996, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Effect of ion exchange on photoluminescence of layered niobates KD24D2NbD26D2OD217D2 and KNbD23D2OD28D2()",,"The Journal of Physical Chemistry",,"Vol. 10","No. 43","pp. 17323-17326",1996, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electroluminescence of TiOD22D2 film and TiOD22D2 : CuD12+D1 film prepared by the sol-gel method()",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 254",,"pp. 109-113",1996, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical reduction of ND22D2O on gas-diffusion electrodes()",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 69","No. 8","pp. 2159-2162",1996, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Analysis of the excitation and emission spectra of Tungstates and Molybdate()",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 69","No. 8","pp. 2191-2194",1996, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Room-temperature preparation of crystallized luminescent SrD21-XD2 CaD2xD2 WoD24D2 solid-solution films by an electrochemical method()",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 68","No. 1","pp. 137-139",1996, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","High efficiency electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide under high pressure on a gas diffusion electrode containing Pt catalysts",,"Journal of Electrochmical Society",,"Vol. 142","No. 4","pp. L57",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Synthesis and characterization of RuSD22D2 nanocrystallites()",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 2759-2764",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Semiconductor sensitization by RuSD22D2 colloids on TiOD22D2 electrodes()",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 229",,"pp. 383-388",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Room-temperature preparation of the highly crystallized luminescent CaWOD24D2 film by an electrochemical method()",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 66","No. 9","pp. 1027-1029",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Room-temperature preparation of highly crystallized luminescent SrWOD24D2 film by an electrochemical method()",,"J. Am. Ceram. Soc.",,"Vol. 78","No. 11","pp. 3110-3112",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Luminescent properties of nondoped and rare earth metal ion-doped KD22D2LaD22D2TiD23D2O(10) with layered perovskite structures : Importance of the hole trap process()",,"Journal of Physical chemistry",,"Vol. 99","No. 43","pp. 15963-15967",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","The optical and photoelectrochemical properties of electrodeposited CdS and SnS thin Films()",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 68",,"pp. 3283-3288",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical reduction of high pressure COD22D2 at Pb, Hg. and In electrodes in an aqueous KHCOD23D2 solution()",,"Journal of Electroanalitical Chemistry",,"Vol. 394",,"pp. 199-203",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical reduction of high pressure carbon dioxide on Fe electrodes at large current density",,"Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry",,"Vol. 386",,"pp. 257",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide under high pressure on various electrodes in an aqueous electrolyte()",,"Journal of Electroanalitical Chemistry",,"Vol. 391",,"pp. 141-147",1995, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Photoluminescence of layered potassium niobates (KD24D2NbD26D2OD217D2 and KNbD23D2OD28D2) and effects of hydration and HD1+D1-exchange on the luminescence properties",,"Chemistry Letters",,,,"pp. 2179",1994, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Lithium-mediated electrochmical reduction of high pressure ND22D2 to NHD23D2",,"Journal of Electroanalitical Chemistry",,"Vol. 367",,"pp. 183",1994, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical reduction of COD22D2 on a Cu Electrode under high pressure -Factors that determine the product selectivity-",,"Journal of Electrochemical Society",,"Vol. 141",,"pp. 2097",1994, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Semiconductor sensitization of TioD22D2 electrodes by RuSD22D2 colloids",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 229",,"pp. 383",1994, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical reduction of high pressure COD22D2 on Ni electrodes",,"Journal of Electrochemical Society",,"Vol. 140",,"pp. 1541",1993, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electroluminescence of AlD22D2OD23D2 electrode modified with fine particulate semiconductors",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 208",,"pp. 39",1993, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Spectral sensitization of a TioD22D2 electrode by Cds microcrystals ad its photoelectrochemical properties",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 206",,"pp. 166",1993, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Photoluminescence of layerd alkali titanates (AD22D2TiD2nD2OD22n+1'D2 A : Na, K) at 300K and 77K",,"Journal of Materials Chemistry",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 1081",1993, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Photocatalytic decomposition of ND22D2O at room temperature",,"Chemistry Letters",,,,"pp. 2381",1992, "M. Azuma,K. Hashimoto,M. Hiramoto,M. Watanabe,T. Sakata","Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide on various metalelectrodes in low-temperature aqueous KHCO3 media",,"J.Electrochem.Soc",,"Vol. 137",,"pp. 1772-1778",1990, "T. Sakata,K. Hashimoto,M. Hiramoto","New aspects of electron transfer on semiconductor surface:Dye sensitization system",,"J. Phys. Chem.",,"Vol. 94",,"pp. 3034-3045",1990, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to higher hydrocarbons in a KHCOD23D2 aqueous solution",,"Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry",,"Vol. 294",,"pp. 299",1990, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","New aspects of electron transfer on semiconductor surface : Dye sensitization system",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry",,"Vol. 94",,"pp. 7",1990, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Carbon dioxide reduction at low temperature on various metal electrodes",,"Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry",,,,"pp. 260",1989, "T. Sakata","PhotocatalysisiSj",,"Wiley Interscience Publ.","Wiley Interscience Publ.",,,"pp. 311-338",1989, "K.Hashimoto,M. Hiramoto,T. Sakata","Temperature independent electron transfer: RhodamineB/oxide semiconductor dye-sensitization system",,"J. Phys. Chem.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 4272-4274",1988, "T. Sakata","Homogeneous and heterogeneous photocatalysisiSj:NATO ASI Series",,"Reidel Publishing Company","Reidel Publishing Company",,,"pp. 397-413",1986, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Photosynthesis and photocatalysis with semiconductor powders in Energy Resources through Photochemistry and photocatalysis",,"Academic Press","Academic Press",,,,1983, "T. Sakata,T. Kawai","Energy resources through photochemicstry and photocatalysisiSj",,"Academic Press","Academic Press",,,,1983, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Heterogeneous photocatalytic production of hydrogen and methane from ethanol and Water",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,,,"pp. 80",1981, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Photodecomposition of water using organic compounds-Hydrogen production wtth semiconductor photocatalysts",,"Organic Synthesis",,,,"pp. 39",1981, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Hydrogen evolution from water by using solid carbon and light energy",,"Nature",,,,"pp. 282",1979, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","The photovoltaic effect at the interface between semiconductor and electrolyte",,"Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fuer Physikalische Chemie",,,,"pp. 83",1979, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Charge transfer interaction in linear chain molecular crystals",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 43",1970, "c","Charge Transfer Interaction in Molecular Crystal",,,,,,,1970, "TADAYOSHI SAKATA","Spectroscopic behavior of Wurster's blue perchlorate and N-ethylphenazyl crystals",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 42",1969,