"矢尾和也,白川浩,町田和俊,阿部直也","環境管理分野における開発コンサルタントのキャパシティ・アセスメントに対する認識","国際開発学会 第22回 全国大会","国際開発学会 第22回 全国大会(名古屋)報告論文集(電子)",,,,,2011,Dec. "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","Evaluation of yield sprecd for credit risk",,"Advances in Mathematical Economics",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 83-97",1999, "白川浩","一般化Faure列による準乱数とそのオプション評価への応用",,"ジャフィージャーナル",,,,"pp. 95-115",1999, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","Evaluation of the asian option by the dual martingale measure",,"Asia-Pacific Financial Markets",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 183-194",1999, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","A Note on the Arbitrage Conditions for International Financial Markets",,"Financial Engineering and the Japanese Markets",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 239-251",1996, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","Existence of a Non-negative Equilibrium Price Vector in the Mean-Variance Capital Market(共著)",,"Mathematical Finance",,"Vol. 5","No. 2",,1995, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","Equilibrium Relations in a Capital Asset Market : A Mean-Absolute Deviation Approach(共著)",,"Financial Engineering and the Japanese Markets",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 21-35",1995, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Selection with Incomplete Markets and Upper and Lower Bound Constraints",,"Mathematical Finance",,"Vol. 4","No. 1","pp. 1-24",1994, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","Optimal Consumption and Arbitrage in Incomplete, Finite State Security Markets(共著)",,"Annals of Operations Research",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 349-372",1993, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","A Mean-Absolute Deviation-Skewness Portfolio Optimization Model(共著)",,"Annals of Operations Research",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 205-220",1993, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","Interest Rate Option Pricing with Poisson-Gaussian Forward Rates Curve Processes",,"Mathematical Finance",,"Vol. 1","No. 4","pp. 77-94",1991, "HIROSHI SHIRAKAWA","Stochastic Minimization of the Makes pan in Flow Shops with Identical Machines and Buffers of Arbitary Size(共著)",,"Operations Research",,"Vol. 38","No. 5","pp. 924-928",1990, "白川浩","On the study of queues with the regular splitting inputs and its applications to routing in queueing networks",,,,,,,1989,