"Anna V. Gubarevich,Tadashi Maruyama,OSAMU ODAWARA","New joint design for enhancement of mobility of spacesuits for planetary exploration",,"Journal of Japan Society of Microgravity Application,",,"Vol. 25","No. 3","pp. 647-651",2008,Nov. "丸山忠司,香川喜一郎,福元謙一,仁木秀明","レーザー誘起プラズマによるジルカロイ中の水素分析","日本原子力学会2006年秋の大会","日本原子力学会",,,,"pp. I39",2006,Sept. "A.V. Gubarevich,T. Maruyama,O.Odawara","Design of a New Space Suit","25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science"," The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences and The Organizing Committee of the 25th ISTS",,,,"pp. 1253-1258",2006,June "S.Muto,T. Kimura,T. Tanabe,T. Kiyobayasi,T. Maruyama","Transmission Electron Microscopy and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy Analysis of Hydrogenated Nanostructured Graphite Prepared by Mechanical Milling",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 44","No. 4A","pp. 2061-2069",2005, "M. Pardede,H. Kurniawan,N. Idris,T. Kobayashi,T. Maruyama,Y. I. Lee,K. Kagawa,M. O. Tjia","Hydrogen Analysis in Solid Samples Using Laser Induced Helium Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 98",,"pp. 0431051-0431055",2005, "N. Idris,S. Terai,T. J. Lie,H. Kurniawan,T. Kobayashi,T. Maruyama,K. Kagawa","Atomic Hydrogen Emission Induced by TEA CO2 Laser Bombardment on Solid Samples at Low Pressure and Its Analytical Application",,"Applied Spectroscopy",,"Vol. 59",,"pp. 115-120",2005, "N.Idris,T Kobayashi,T.J.Lie,H. Kurniwan,T. Maruyama,K.Kagawa","Hydrogen Analysis in Solids using Laser-Induced Schock Wave Plasama",,"Technical Report of IEICE",,"Vol. LQE2004-14",,"pp. 61-66",2005, "T. Maruyama,M. Harayama","Relationship between Dimensional Change and the Thermal Conductivity of Neutron-Irradiated SiC",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 329-333",,"pp. 1022-1028",2004, "S. Muto,S Dhara,A. Datta,C.W. Hsu,C.T.Wu,C.H. Shen,L.C.chen,K.H. Chen Y.L. Wang,T. Tanabe,T. Maruyama,H. M. Lin,C.C.Chen","Characterization of Nanodome on GaN Nanowires Formed with Ga Ion Irradiation",," Materials Transactions JIM",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 435-439",2004, "T. Maruyama,M. Iwanami,S. Ohnuki,T. Suda,S. Watanabe,K. Ikezawa","Precipitation and Amorphization in Boron Carbide Irradiated by High Energy Helium Ions",,"ASTM International",,"Vol. STP1447",,"pp. 670-679",2004, "N. Idris,T. Kobayashi,H. Kurniawan,T.J.Lie,T. Maruyama,K. Kagawa","Deuterium Emission in Laser Plasma Induced by Transversely Excited Atmospheric Pressure CO2 Laser in Low-Pressure of Helium Surrounding GasPhysics 43(2004)7531-7535.",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 7531-7535",2004, "N. Idris,H. Kuruniawan,T. J. Lie,M. Pardede,H. Suyanto,R. Hedwig,T. Kobayashi,K. Kagawa,T. Maruyama","Characterization of Hydrogen Emission in Laser Plasma Induced by Focusing Fundamental Q-sw YAG Laser on Solid Samples",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 4221-4228",2004, "S. Muto,H. Sugiyama,T. Kimura, T,Tanabe,T. Maruyama","EXFLF/SELNES Study of Electron Irradiation-induced Oxidation of a-SiC",,"Nuclear Instruments and Method in Physics Research",,"Vol. B 218",,"pp. 117-122",2004, "K. H. Kurniawan,T.J. Lie,N.Idris,T. Kobayashi,T. Maruyama,H. Suyanto, K,Kagawa,M. O. Tjia","Hydrogen emission by Nd-YAG laser-Induced shock Wave Plasma and Its Application to the Quantitative Analysis of Zircalloy",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 96",,"pp. 1301-1309",2004, "T. Yano,K. Inokuchi,M. Shikama,J. Ukai,S. Onose,T. Maruyama","Neutron Irradiation Effects on Isotope Tailored Aluminiumu Nitride Ceramics by a Fast Reactor up to 2x1026 n/m2",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 329-333",,"pp. 1471-1475",2004, "K. H. Kurniawan,T.J. Lie,N. Idris, T,Kobayashi,T. Maruyama,K. Kagawa,M. O. Tjia,A. N. Chumakov","Hydrogen Analysis of Zircaloy Tube used in Nuclear Power Station using Laser Plasma Technique",," Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 96",,"pp. 6859-6862.",2004, "丸山忠司","赤外線加熱工学ハンドブック",,,"アグネ技術センター",,,,2003,Nov. "S. Muto,T. Tanabe,T. Maruyama","Cross Sectional TEM Observation of Gas-Ion-Irradiation Induced Surface Blisters and Their Precursors in SiC",,"Materials Transactions JIM",,"Vol. 44","No. 12","pp. 2599-2604",2003, "K. Ikezawa,T. Maruyama","Sharp Tip Geometry and its Effet on Hardness in Nanoindentation",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 91",,"pp. 9689-9695",2002, "H. Kuruniawan,S. Suyanto,K. Kagawa,T. Maruyama,M. O. Tjia","Low-Background Laser Plasma Induced by Nd-YAG Laser at Low Pressures",," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 188-194",2001, "M. Pardede,H. Kurniawan,M. O. Tja,K. Ikezawa,T. Maruyama,K. Kagawa","Spectrochemical Analysis of Metal Elements Electrodeposited from Water Samples by Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma Spectroscopy",,"Applied Spectroscopy",,"Vol. 55","No. 9","pp. 1229-1236",2001, "S. Igarashi,S. Muto,T. Tanabe,T. Maruyama","Enegy-Filtered Image of Surface Blisters by Grazing Incidence Electron Microscopy",,"Materials Transactions JIM",,"Vol. 42","No. 10","pp. 2131-2132",2001, "炭素材料学会編,丸山忠司","カーボン用語辞典",,,"アグネ承風社",,,,2000, "T. Maruyama,S. Onose","Fabrication and Thermal Conductivity of Boron Carbide / Copper Cermet",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 380-385",1999, "柳田博明監修,丸山忠司","「セラミック材料用語辞典」",,,"工業調査会",,,,1999, "T. Maruyama,S. Onose,T. Kaito,H. Horiuchi","Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on the Properties of Boron Carbide Pellet",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 1006-1014",1997, "Takao Yoshida,Tadashi Maruyama,Masafumi YOHDA,Toshii Iida,Hideki Taguchi,Kazumori Yazaki,Toshiko Ohta,Masafumi Odaka,Isao Endo,Yasuo Kagawa","Structural and Functional Characterization of Homooligomeric Complexes of a and b Chaperonin Subunits from the Hyperthermophilic Archaeum Thermococcus strain KS-1",,"J. Mol. Biol. (1997)",,"Vol. 273",,"pp. 635-645",1997, "T. Maruyama,M. Ishikawa","Synthesis and Sintering of AIN using Enriched Nitrogen",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 597-603",1996, "T. Tanabe,T. Maruyama,M. Iseki,K. Niwase,H. Atsumi","Radiation Damage of Graphite – Degradation of Material Parameter and Defect Structures",,"Fusion Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 428-434",1995, "T.Maruyama,T.Kaito,S.Onose,I.Shibahara","Change in Physical Properties of High Density Isotropic Graphite Irradiated in“JOYO”Fast Reactor",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 225",,"pp. 267-272",1995, "T. Maruyama,M. Harada,S. Ukai,S. Nomura,S. Shikakura,A. Kumakawa","“Elasto-Plastic Analysis of ZrO2-Metal FGM in High Heat Flux Environment”",," Ceramic Transactions",,"Vol. 34",," 433-440",1993, "丸山忠司,西村 恭"," 「原子炉用黒鉛の機械的性質に及ぼす吸着ガスの効果」",,"炭素誌",,"Vol. 152",,"pp. 98-105",1992, "T. Maruyama,M. Harayama","Neutron Irradiation Effects on the Thermal Conductivity and Dimensional Change of Graphite Materials",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials 195 (1992) 44-50",,"Vol. 195",," 44-50",1992, "Y. Tanabe,E. Yasuda,S. Kimura,T. Iseki,T. Maruyama,T. Yano","Neutron Irradiation Effects on Dimension and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Composite",,"Carbon",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 905-908",1991, "K. Sasaki,T. Yano,T. Maruyama,T. Iseki","Helium Release and Microstructure of Neutron-Irradiated SiC Ceramics",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 179-181",,"pp. 407-410",1991, "T. Yano,K. Sasaki,T. Maruyama,T. Iseki,M. Ito,S. Onose","A Step Heating Dilatometry Method to Measure the Change in Length due to Annealing of a SiC Temperature Monitor",,"Nuclear Technology",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 412-415",1991, "T. Yano,T. Maruyama,T. Iseki","Characterization of Macroscopic Properties and Crystalline Defects in Neutron-Irradiated Silicon Carbide",,"Science Reports of the Research Institute, Tohoku University",,"Vol. 35","No. 2","pp. 327-338",1991, "Y. Hukushima,T. Yano,T. Maruyama,T. Iseki","Swelling Thermal Diffusivity and Microstructural Investigation of Neutron-Irradiated Single Crystals of Nonstoichiometric Spinel",," Journal of Nuclear Materials,",,"Vol. 175",," 203-208",1990, "T. Iseki,T. Maruyama,T. Yano,T. Suzuki,T. Mori","Effects of Neutron Irradiation and Subsequent Annealing on Strength and Toughness of SiC Ceramics",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 170",,"pp. 95-100",1990, "K. Sasaki,T. Yano,T. Maruyama,Y. Iseki","Helium Release and Microstructure of Neutron-Irradiated SiC Ceramics",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 179-181",," 407-410",1990, "丸山忠司","「ファインセラミクス評価技術集成」",,," リアライズ社",,,,1984,July "丸山忠司","高圧下における固体中の超音波伝播の研究",,,,,,,1974,Mar.