"田中 裕之","熱エクセルギーからの低温乾燥システムの評価",,"開発工学 vol.36 No.1 2016",,,,,2016,Jan. "田中裕之","”情報化と開発工学”、平成12年度日本開発工学会年次大会、工学院大学、平成12年10月26日",,,,,,,2000, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Correlation among Sleep, Wakefulness, Self-consciousness and Probability Amplitude",,"Tokyo'99(Toward a Science of Consciousness - Fundamental Approaches -)",,,,"pp. 584",1999, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Automatic Model Building Activities in Dynamic Simulation",,"Computers and Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 23","No. Supplement 1999","pp. S679-S682",1999, "H. Tanaka,F. Katai","On Integration of Physics and Information for Manufacturing Synthesis Process",,"Bulletin of the international Earth Environment University(IEEU)",,"Vol. 17","No. January","pp. 46-54",1999, "Hiroyuki Tanaka,Ferenc Katai","Abductive Design for a Mixture of Two Components",,"1999 IEEE Interantional Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 12-15, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan",,,,"pp. V-156 - V-164",1999, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Domain System Models and Concurrent Engineering",,"Proceedings of Tools and Models in Concurrent Engineering 98'",,,,,1998, "Tanaka H.,S. Sakurai,F. Katai","Invention is Mother of necessity",,"学術出版","学術出版",,,,1998, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Supporting Concurrent Activities in Dynamic Simulation",,"Proceedings of the 5th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering",,,,,1998, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Concurrent Knowledge-Creation in the Japanese Industry(Deeper understanding on Tacit and Explicit Knowledge)",,"Proceedings of the 5th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering",,,,,1998, "Tanaka H.,Y. Naka","Prediction of Properties of Mixfure by Integration of Pattern Recognition and Logic Procedure by Using Fuzzy Clustering",,"Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert System 96",,,,"pp. 207-212",1996, "Tanaka H.,Y. Naka","Study on prodiction system of properties in synergetic phenomena,PEMS",,"Proceeding of the 60th annval conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,"pp. A211",1995, "Tanaka H.,Y. Naka","Classification of Solvents by Fuzzy Clustering",,"Journal of Chemical Society of Japan,",,,"No. 1","pp. 74-80",1994, "Tanaka H.,Y. Naka","Classification of solvents by fuzzy clustering",,"Proceeding of the 26th autumn conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,"pp. S310",1993, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Extraction of Lower Carboxylic Acids from Aqueous Solution by Tri-octylamine with Diluents",,"Solvent Extraction 1990",,,,"pp. Part A",1992, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Effects of diluents on the association between Tri-n-octylamine and lower fatty acids and the equilibrium in extraction",,"Proceeding of the conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan、in Nikko",,,,,1990, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Extraction of Lower Carboxylic Acids from Aqueous Solution by Tri-n-octly-amine",,"J. of Chem. Eng. Jpn",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 1",1989, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Effects of Dilnent on Extraction Equilibrium of Acetic Acid with Tri-n-octylamine",,"Kagaku Kougaku Ronbunshu",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 6",1989, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Estimation of the distribution and selectivity in the extraction of lower fatty acid with Tri-n-octylamine",,"Proceeding of the 21th autumn conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,,1988, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Studies of Association Mechanism and Diluent Effects Using Excess Volume",,"Kagaku Kougaku Ronbunshu",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 6",1988, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Study on the effects of diluents on the association in terms of excess volume",,"Proceeding of the 53th annval conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,,1988, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Research of the extraction of lower fatty acid with Tri-n-octylamine-effects of diluents",,"Proceeding of the conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan、in Hokkaido",,,,,1987, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Research of the extraction of lower fatty acid with Tri-n-octylamine",,"Proceeding of the 52th annval conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,,1987, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Oxidation of Dissolved Ammonia Using Various Metal Oxide Catalysts",,"Kagaku Kougaku Ronbunshu",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 2",1986, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Research of the extraction of aqueous acetic acid with Tri-n-octylamine",,"Proceeding of the 50th annval conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,,1985, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Solective Oxidation of dissolved Ammonia to Nitrogen by a Co┣D22┫D2O┣D23┫D2 Catalysts",,"International Chem. Eng.",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 3",1984, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Research of the extraction of acetic acid from an aqueous solution with Tri-n-octylamine in diluents",,"Proceeding of the 18th autumn conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,,1984, "田中裕之","触媒湿式酸化によるアンモニアの処理",,,,,,,1984, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Simultaneous Absorption of NO and NO┣D22┫D2 into Alkaline Solutions",,"J. of Chem. Eng. Jpn",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 5",1982, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Selective Oxdation of Dissolved Ammonia to Nitrogen by Co┣D22┫D2O┣D23┫D2 Catalysts",,"Kagaku Kougaku Ronbunshu",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 3",1982, "HIROYUKI TANAKA","Catalytic wet Oxidative of nitrogen cortaing organic compourds",,"Proceeding of the conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan、in Niigata",,,,,1982, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Oxidation of dissolved ammonia into nitrogen by using Co compounds",,"Proceeding of the 46th annval conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,,1981, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Wet oxidation of salts synthtsized by orgaic acids and ammonia by using solid cataysts",,"Proceeding of the 15th autumn conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan","Proceeding of the 15th autumn conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,1981, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Behavior of Urea in Wet Oxidation Treatment",,"Kagaku Kougaku Ronbunshu",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 3",1981, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Absorption of NO┣D22┫D2 into alkaline solution",,"Proceeding of the 13th autumn conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,,1979, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Absorption of ritroger oxides into alkaline solutions",,"Proceeding of the conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan,in Hokkaido",,,,,1979, "Tanaka H.,H. Komiyama,H. Inoue","Absorption of ON with Sodium Chrolite Solution",,"Proceeding of the 11th autumn conference of the society of chemical engineers,Japan",,,,,1977, "田中裕之","窒素酸化物の物質移動に関する研究",,,,,,,1977,