"Yosuke Ichikawa,Takeshi Sakamoto,Atsushi Nezu,Haruaki Matsuura,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Actinometry Measurement of Dissociation Degrees of Nitrogen and Oxygen in N2?O2 Microwave Discharge Plasma",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.","Institute of Physics","Vol. 49","No. 10","pp. 106101",2010,Oct. "赤塚洋,市川陽亮,桑野慧,坂本武士,根津篤,松浦治明","アクチノメトリー法および第1正帯バンドスペクトルの減算による 窒素プラズマ中の窒素解離度の測定","電気学会プラズマ研究会","電気学会プラズマ研究会資料","電気学会","Vol. PST-10-009, 011-014",,"pp. 23-28",2010,May "Jun Mizuochi,Takeshi Sakamoto,Haruaki Matsuura,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Evaluation of Electron Energy Distribution Function in Microwave Discharge Plasmas by Spectroscopic Diagnostics with Collisional Radiative Model",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.","The Institute of Pure and Applied Physics (IPAP)","Vol. 49","No. 3"," 036001",2010,Mar. "Takahiko ICHIKI,Takeshi SAKAMOTO,Haruaki MATSUURA,Hiroshi AKATSUKA","Numerical Study on the Gas Temperature of Microwave Discharge Rare Gas Plasmas as a Rarified Gas Dynamic System","International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP) 2008","J. Plasma Fusion Res. SERIES","The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research","Vol. 8",,"pp. 768-772",2009,Sept. "赤塚洋,市川陽亮,坂本武士","放電窒素プラズマの励起状態数密度の素過程に基づく検討","日本物理学会 第64回年次大会","日本物理学会講演概要集","社団法人 日本物理学会","Vol. 64","No. 1","p. 202",2009,Mar. "H. Akatsuka,T. Sakamoto,A. Nezu,H. Matsuura","Actinometry Measurement of Oxygen Dissociation Degree in a Microwave Discharge Low-Pressure Plasma","he 14th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil","Abstracts of the 14th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil","Redox Technologies, Inc.",,,"pp. 13-14",2008,Sept. "Takahiko ICHIKI,Takeshi SAKAMOTO,Haruaki MATSUURA,Hiroshi AKATSUKA","Numerical Study on the Gas Temperature of Microwave Discharge Rare Gas Plasmas as a Rarified Gas Dynamic System","14th International Congress on Plasma Physics 2008 (ICPP2008)","Abstracts of 14th International Congress on Plasma Physics 2008","Jpn. Soc. Plasma Sci. Nucl. Fus. Res., NIFS, Kyushu Univ.",,,"p. 141",2008,Sept. "Y. Ichikawa,T. Sakamoto,H. Matsuura,H. Akatsuka","Dissociation Degree of Nitrogen and Oxygen in N2-O2 Microwave Discharge Plasma","5th Asia-Pacific Int. Symp. Basic Appl. Plasma Technol. (APSPT-5)","Proc. 5th Asia-Pacific Int. Symp. Basic Appl. Plasma Technol. (APSPT-5)","Cheng Shiu University",,,"pp. 74-77",2007,Dec. "Yosuke Ichikawa,Takeshi Sakamoto,HARUAKI MATSUURA,HIROSHI AKATSUKA","Actinometric Study of Dissociation Degree of Nitrogen and Oxygen in N2-O2 Microwave Discharge Plasma","The Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopic Society of Japan","The Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopic Society of Japan","The Spectroscopic Society of Japan",,,"pp. 97",2007,Nov. "S. Kakizaka,Takeshi Sakamoto,H. Matsuura,H. Akatsuka","Titanium Oxidation by Microwave Discharge Oxygen Plasma and Relationship with Plasma Parameters",,"J. Adv. Oxid. Technol.","De Gruyter","Vol. 10","No. 2","pp. 253-259",2007,July "Takeshi Sakamoto,HARUAKI MATSUURA,HIROSHI AKATSUKA","Actinometry Measurement of Oxygen Dissociation Degree in a Microwave Discharge Plasma and Effect of Electron Energy Distribution Function",,"J. Adv. Oxid. Technol.","De Gruyter","Vol. 10","No. 2","pp. 247-252",2007,July "T. Sakamoto,H. Matsuura,H. Akatsuka","Spectroscopic Study on the Vibrational Population of N2 C3Π and B3Π States in a Microwave Nitrogen Discharge",,"J. Appl. Phys.","American Institute of Physics","Vol. 101","No. 2","pp. 023307",2007,Jan.