"KOUICHI MORIKAWA,YOSHIKAZU KURAMOTO,NOBUYUKI IWATSUKI,MASAYOSHI NAGASAWA","Estimation of Transient Sound Power Using Probabilistic Model of Random Impact Forces and Application to Noise Reduction",,"Journal of System Design and Dynamics",,"Vol. 2","No. 1","pp. 342-353",2008,Mar. "KOUICHI MORIKAWA,YOSHIKAZU KURAMOTO,NOBUYUKI IWATSUKI,MASAYOSHI NAGASAWA","Estimation of Transient Sound Radiation Power Using Probabilistic Model of Random Impact Force","12th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference","Proceedings of 12th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference",,,,,2007,Aug. "YOSHIKAZU KURAMOTO,KOUICHI MORIKAWA,NOBUYUKI IWATSUKI,MASAYOSHI NAGASAWA","Noise Reduction Design of Random Impacted Thin Plate Structure by Adding Dimples","12th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference","Proceedings of 12th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference",,,,,2007,Aug.