"J Wang,Zhongyu Guo,Yuliang Guo,Ye Zhang,P Yu,Ye Zhou,Y Qian,Chihiro Yoshimura,Tingting Wang,Lifu Zhang","Photochemical fate of β-blocker pindolol in riverine and its downstream coastal waters.?",,"?Science of The Total Environment",,"Vol. 927","No. 172236.?",,2024,Sept.
"SD Tiegs,KA Capps,DM Costello,JP Schmidt,CJ Patrick,JJ Follstad Shah,CJ Leroyand,the CELLDEX Consortium,Chihiro Yoshimura","Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers.",,"?Science",,"Vol. 384","No. 6701","pp. 1191-1195.",2024,Sept.
"Ye Zhang,Shiyo Sen Chiyo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Response of phytoplankton community to direct measures against eutrophication in reservoirs of Japan","応用生態工学会第27回全国大会",,,,,,2024,Sept.
"宮脇大和,波多野雄大,吉村千洋","東京都区部における下水道の一般水質と集水域特性の対応関係","第 27 回日本水環境学会シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,Sept.
"吉村千洋","環境水理モデルは生態系サービスの向上に活かせるか.",,"月間下水道",,"Vol. 47","No. 2","pp. 54-58",2024,Aug.
"Kaing,Zhongyu Guo,Ty Sok,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,F D, Breider F,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photodegradation of biodegradable plastics in aquatic environments: current understanding and challenges.?",,"Science of The Total Environment",,"Vol. 911","No. 168539.",,2024,July
"AM Saqr,Mahmoud Nasr,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,MG Ibrahim","Geographic information system-based multi-criteria suitability model for groundwater exploitation by solar energy: a techno-economic and sustainable approach.?",,"Groundwater for Sustainable Development?",,"Vol. 25","No. 101087.?",,2024,July
"Saad,Chihiro Yoshimura","Critical role of d(020)-spacing in boehmite for anion removal","第8回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,June
"Yuta Hatano,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Quantum yield estimation of photoproduction of singlet oxygen based on their gross production and quenching rates","第8回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,June
"Ajinkya Kishor Ranade,Akira Yamaguchi,Masahiro Miyauchi,Sreenivasan Ramaswami,Chihiro Yoshimura","Interface engineered electron shuttling in graphene based intimately coupled photocatalytic biodegradation for enhanced degradation of antibiotic","第8回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,June
"Ahmed M. Saqr,Mahmoud Nasr,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,Mona G. Ibrahim","Delineating suitable zones for solar-based groundwater exploitation using multi-criteria analysis: A techno-economic assessment for meeting sustainable development goals (SDGs)",,"Groundwater for Sustainable Development",,"Vol. 25",,,2024,May
"Zhongyu Guo,T Wang,Kohei Ichiyanagi,Mohamed Ateia,Guo Chen,J Wang,Manabu Fujii,K En,Konstantin Litasov,Chihiro Yoshimura,R Sohrin","Photo-production of excited triplet-state of dissolved organic matters in inland freshwater and coastal seawater.",,"Water Research??",,"Vol. 253","No. 121260.?",,2024,Apr.
"AA El Ashmawy,M Tada,Chihiro Yoshimura","Elucidating the role of structural water in boehmite for effective adsorption of anionic dyes","ACS Spring 2024",,,,,,2024,Apr.
"A Anagri,S Nishida,S Mori,Chihiro Yoshimura,S Suzuki","Synthesis of magnetic carbon composite by diesel engine and its application to dye removal.?",,"Chemical Engineering Communications?",,"Vol. 211","No. 1","pp. 56-66",2023,Dec.
"AS Setiyawan,FIR Hasby,V Vandith,P Soewondo,Chihiro Yoshimura,DW Putri","Performance of moving bed biofilm reactor integrated septic tank in treating office building wastewater.?",,"Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences",,"Vol. 55","No. 4","pp. 453-465",2023,Dec.
"Sophanna Ly,UK Sovanara,Vouchlay Theng,Kaing,Chihiro Yoshimura","Integration of life cycle and habitat conditions in modeling fish biomass in the floodplain of the Lower Mekong Basin.?",,"Ecological Modelling?","Ecological Modelling","Vol. 488,","No. 110605.",,2023,Dec.
"Sophanna Ly,Chihiro Yoshimura","Modeling Fish Biomass in the Lower Mekong Basin Floodplain Using Life Cycle and Habitat Conditions Integration","AGU 2023",,,,,,2023,Dec.
"Chihiro Yoshimura,Zhongyu Guo","Quantum yield of photo-induced radical formation in dam reservoirs of Japan","The 2nd International Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Limnology Society (SMILS II) in conjunction with The 4th International Conference on Tropical Limnology (TROPLIMNO IV)",,,,,,2023,Dec.
"Takashi Nakamura,Hideto Fujii,Toru Watanabe,Sarann Ly,Sambo Lun,Yoichi Fujihara,Keisuke Hoshikawa,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Chihiro Yoshimura","Waterborne Disease Risk Assessment and Mapping for a Floating Village by Combining 3D Hydraulic Simulation and Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment",,"Water",,"Vol. 15","No. 23",,2023,Dec.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","Tropical Limnology: Is it a Frontier?","The Annual Scientific Forum of Indonesian Surveyor Asso ciation(FIT ISI)2023 and The International Conference on Infrastructure and Regional Technology",,,,,,2023,Nov.
"吉村千洋","メコン川下流域の洪水氾濫原における水域生態系のモデル化―生態系サービスの見える化を目指して―","Cutting-edge Research, Practices, and Challenges",,,,,,2023,Nov.
"吉村千洋","Transdisciplinary Innovation For Enhancing Ecosystem Service and Regional Resilience","Tokyo Tech OPen innovation (TTOP)",,,,,,2023,Nov.
"Zhongyu Guo,T Wang,Guo Chen,J Wang,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Apparent quantum yield for photo-production of singlet oxygen in reservoirs and its relation to the water matrix.",,"Water Research",,"Vol. 244","No. 120456.",,2023,Nov.
"Zhongyu Guo,Tingting Wang,Guo Chen,Jieqiong Wang,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Apparent quantum yield for photo-production of singlet oxygen in reservoirs and its relation to the water matrix",,"Water Research",,"Vol. 244","No. null","pp. null",2023,Oct.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","Ecosystem services of the major rivers in Kanto Region, Japan: Relation to regional characteristics","International Symposium on River Restoration in Switzerland and Japan:",,,,,,2023,Oct.
"Yuta Hatano,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manna Wang","Influence of water matrix on the regrowth of Escherichia coli after UV disinfection","9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition",,,,,,2023,Oct.
"AA El Ashmawy,M Tada,Chihiro Yoshimura","Weak dehydration enhances the adsorption capacity of boehmite for anionic dyes.",,"Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 674, 131954.",,"Vol. 674","No. 131954.",,2023,Oct.
"Suguru Nagata,Chihiro Yoshimura,Sophanna Ly,Kaing,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara","Direct application of residual neural network to riverine aerial photography for estimating fish distribution.?",,"Landscape and Ecological Engineering",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 687-698",2023,Oct.
"Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of benzophenone type UV filters on photodegradation of co-existing sulfamethoxazole in water.",,"Photochem",,"Vol. 3","No. 2","pp. 288-300",2023,Oct.
"SM Khodary,Chihiro Yoshimura,Ahmed Tawfik","Geotechnical properties of hazardous landfill leachate-contaminated sand.",,"Arabian Journal of Geosciences",,"Vol. 16",,"p. 354",2023,Sept.
"Ryohei Ogawa,Ye Zhang,Vouchlay Theng,Zhongyu Guo,Manna Wang,Chihiro Yoshimura","Capacity assessment of urban green space for mitigating combined sewer overflows in the Tokyo metropolitan area.",,"?Land 12(5), 993.",,"Vol. 12","No. 5","p. 993",2023,Sept.
"Yamato Miyawaki,Yuta Hatano,Chihiro Yoshimura","Correspondence between general sewage water quality and sewershed characteristics in Tokyo Metropolitan area.?",,"Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment",,"Vol. 46","No. 2","pp. 35-45",2023,Aug.
"Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Apparent Quantum Yield for Photo-Production of Singlet Oxygen in Reservoirs and Its Relation to Water Matrix","The ACS Fall 2023-Radiation Chemistry, Aquatic Photochemistry, and Advanced Oxidation Processes in Environmental Chemistry in Honor of William J. Cooper.",,,,,,2023,Aug.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","Application of environmental models for enhancing ecosystem service: potential and challenges","4th International conference of Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering",,,,,,2023,July
"Kirana Nadhila,Chihiro Yoshimura","Residual effect of silver ion on bacterial disinfection for drinking water","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Abdessadk Anagri,Shin Nishida,Shinsuke Mori,Chihiro Yoshimura,Shunsuke Suzuki","Synthesis of magnetic carbon composite by diesel engine and its application to dye removal",,"Chemical Engineering Communications",,"Vol. 211",,"pp. 56-66",2023,June
"Yamato Miyawaki,Chihiro Yoshimura","Impact of water infrastructure damage caused by disasters on spread of infectious diseases","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Guo Chen,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photodegradation of organic micropollutants under the influence of phytoplankton","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Kaing,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photoproduction of reactive oxygen species from biodegradable plastics in aquatic environment","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Apparent Quantum Yield for Photo-Production of Singlet Oxygen in Reservoirs and Its Relation to the Water Matrix","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of benzophenone type UV filters on photodegradation of co-existing sulfamethoxazole in water","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Yuta Hatano,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manna Wang","Influence of water matrix on the regrowth of Escherichia coli after UV disinfection","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Suguru Nagata,Chihiro Yoshimura,Sophanna Ly,Kaing Vinhteang,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara","Direct application of residual neural network to riverine aerial photography for estimating fish distribution",,"Landscape and Ecological Engineering",," 19",," 687?698",2023,June
"Laura Valentina Machicado Quiroga,Yuta Hatano,Daisuke SANO,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of photoproduced radicals on Escherichia coli and coliphage in water under the presence of fulvic acid","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Ririka Shibayama,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Improvement of the efficiency of photolysis treatment of organic pollutants by focusing on photon flux density","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Usei Ba,Sophanna Ly,Chihiro Yoshimura","Importance of nutrient concentrations for fish biomass in a floodplain lake","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Ye Zhang,Shiyo Sen Chiyo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Evaluation of the effectiveness of countermeasures against algal bloom in dam reservoirs in Japan","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Maika Uehara,Chihiro Yoshimura","Relationship between vegetation succession and nutrient concentration in river channels","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June
"Zhongyu Guo,Dilini Kodikara,Luthfia Shofi Albi,Yuta Hatano,Guo Chen,Chihiro Yoshimura,Jieqiong Wang","Photodegradation of organic micropollutants in aquatic environment: Importance, factors and processes",,"Water Research","Elsevier","Volume 231",,,2023,Mar.
"Ahmed M. Saqr,Mahmoud Nasr,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,Mona G. Ibrahim","Optimal Solution for Increasing Groundwater Pumping by Integrating MODFLOW-USG and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm: A Case Study of Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt",,"Environmental Science and Engineering",,,,"pp. 59-73",2023,Mar.
"Mahmoud M. Mansour,Mahmoud Nasr,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,Mona G. Ibrahim","Evaluation of a Reliable Method for Flash Flood Hazard Mapping in Arid Regions: A Case Study of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt",,"Environmental Science and Engineering",,,,"pp. 103-117",2023,Mar.
"MR Torkomany,HS Hassan,A Shoukry,Mostafa Hussein,Chihiro Yoshimura,M Elkholy","?Investigation of optimum sustainable designs for water distribution systems from multiple economic, operational, and health perspectives.",,"Sustainability",,"Vol. 15","No. 2","p. 157",2023,Feb.
"Guo Chen,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Integration of photodegradation process of organic micropollutants to a vertically one-dimensional lake model.",,"Sustainability 15(3), 2082.",,"Vol. 15","No. 3","p. 2082",2023,Feb.
"LS Albi,Zhongyu Guo,Guo Chen,Chihiro Yoshimura","?Potential effect of atmospheric condition on incident light and photo-production of reactive intermediates in freshwater systems.",,"Environmental Advances",,"Vol. 11",,,2023,Feb.
"Vouchlay Theng,Sith Ratino,Sovannara UK,Chihiro Yoshimura","Phytoplankton productivity in a tropical lake-floodplain system revealed by a process-based primary production model.",,"?Ecological Modelling",,"Vol. 479",,,2023,Feb.
"Attajaree Smata,Chihiro Yoshimura","Size-based selectivity of magnetic-layered double hydroxide (MLDH) for efficient removal of oxytetracycline in the presence of natural organic matter.",,"Applied Clay Science",,"Vol. 232",,,2022,Nov.
"Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Modeling Quantum Yield for Photo-production of Reactive Intermediates in Reservoirs in Japan","The 38th symposium and annual conference of Japanese Humic Substances Society",,,,,,2022,Nov.
"AM Armanuos,MGE Ibrahim,A Negm,JIRO TAKEMURA,Chihiro Yoshimura,WE Mahmod","Investigation of seawater intrusion in the Nile Delta aquifer, Egypt.?",,"Journal of Engineering Research (Tanta University)?",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 10-28",2022,Nov.
"Rina Heu,MP Wai,Sokly Siev,V Chem,KE Eang,Vannak Ann,Mohamed Ateia,Chihiro Yoshimura","Dissolved silicon in a lake-floodplain system: dynamics and its role in primary production.",,"Science of the Total Environment",,"Vol. 861",,,2022,Nov.
"Yuta Hatano,Manna Wang,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of dissolved organic matter property on the regrowth of Escherichia coli after ultraviolet disinfection.?",,"Journal of Water Process Engineering","Elsevier","Vol. 51",,,2022,Nov.
"Sophanna Ly,Sovannara UK,NB Pham,Chihiro Yoshimura","Ecosystem service of tropical flooded forests and its relation to characteristics of local communities.",,"Wetlands","Springer Nature","Vol. 42","No. 116",,2022,Nov.
"I Echeverr?a,Oliver Saavedra,R Escalera,G Heredia,Chihiro Yoshimura,R Montoya","Small scale operation of an integrated anaerobic baffled reactor and biofilter: factors affecting its performance.",,"?Journal of Environmental Engineering",,"Vol. 148","No. 11",,2022,Nov.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","Nested environmental models for integrated lake basin management: An example from Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia,","INREM 3rd International Conference",,,,,,2022,Nov.
"Phol Mengheak,Sot Channtola,Lai Chenda,Ty Boreborey,Chantha OEURNG,Pinnara Ket,Chihiro Yoshimura","Evaluation Of Soil PropertyAlong A Hydrological Gradient At Chhnuk Trou, Cambodia","6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,,,2022,Nov.
"Eang Khyeam,Kong Chhuona,Sith Ratino,Doung Ratha,Ruos Bunhuot,Kheang Ratana,Seingheng Hul,Ty Boreborey,Sokly Siev,Chihiro Yoshimura,Khanal Rajendra","Spatial Distribution of Well Water Quality in the Floodplain around Tonle Sap Lake","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)",,,,,,2022,Aug.
"Ye Zhou,Kexiang Zhao,MA Amin,C Fang,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura,J Niu","Elucidating the role of phosphorus doping in Co and Ni-loaded carbon nitride photocatalysts for nefazodone degradation.",,"Environmental Functional Materials",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 114-120",2022,Aug.
"Sothearath Chien,Ty Sok,Chantha OEURNG,Ich Ilan,Kaing,Chihiro Yoshimura","Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Nitrate Transport and Yield delivering to Tonle Sap Lake from its Largest Tributary","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)",,,,,,2022,Aug.
"Kimleang khoeurn,Chanthol Peng,Chhin Rattana,Eang Khyeam,Chanto Monychottepy,Chihiro Yoshimura","Platform for Aquatic Ecosystem Research (PAER) in Cambodia for promoting research and management of tropical lakes","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)",,,,,,2022,Aug.
"Zhongyu Guo,Takayuki Hatakeyama,Chihiro Yoshimura,T Wang,Yuta Hatano","Basic influent sewage quality reflects sewershed characteristics in Tokyo city.",,"Journal of Water and Health",,"Vol. 20","No. 6","pp. 972-984",2022,July
"Manna Wang,Mohamed Ateia,Yuta Hatano,Chihiro Yoshimura","Regrowth of Escherichia coli in environmental waters after chlorine disinfection: Shifts in viability and culturability.",,"Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 1521-1534",2022,July
"Sovannara Uk,Dilini Kodikara,Hashimoto Kana,Vouchlay Theng,Marith Mong,Sokly Siev,Ty Sok,Sophal Try,Vinteang Kaing,Rajendra Khanal,Heejun Yang,Thea Seav,Chantha Oeurng,Yoshimura Chihiro","Nutrient availability and phosphorus dynamics",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 241?250",2022,June
"Say Samal,Uk Sovannara,Ly Sophanna,Rajendra Khanal,Dilini Kodikara,Sok Ty,Oeurng Chantha,Manabu Fujii],Yoshimura Chihiro","Primary Production",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 319?329",2022,June
"Rajendra Khanal,Sovannara Uk,Sophanna Ly,Ratino Sith,Kong Chhuon,Binaya Raj Shivakoti,Pham Ngoc Bao,Chihiro Yoshimura,Hideto Fujii,Winarto Kurniawan,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Toru Watanabe,Sambo Lun,Chantha Oeurng,Chanvorleak Phat,Reasmey Tan,Sokneang In,Kimleang Kheurn,Aiko Yamashita","Transdisciplinary Research Collaboration for Environmental Conservation",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 5509?516",2022,June
"Attajaree Smata,Chihiro Yoshimura","One-step synthesis of magnetic?layered double hydroxide and its application for oxytetracycline removal from water.",,"Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 10","No. 3","p. 107819",2022,June
"UK Sovannara,Rajendra Khanal,Yoshimura Chihiro","Introduction",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 1?9",2022,June
"Kaing Vinhteang,Theng Vouchlay,Uk Sovannara,Yoshimura Chihiro","Permissible Phosphorus Load",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 467?476",2022,June
"Chihiro Yoshimura,Pham Ngoc Bao,Hideto Fujii,Tomohiro Tanaka,Sokly Siev,Rajendra Khanal,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Sophanna Ly,Eden M. Andrews,Toru Watanabe,Sovannara Uk","Recommendations for Further Research and Environmental Management",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 517?525",2022,June
"Yoshimura Chihiro,Rajendra Khanal,Uk Sovannara","Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,,2022,June
"Heejun Yang,Siev Sokly,Uk Sovannara,Chihiro Yoshimura","Flood Pulse and Water Level",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 101?109",2022,June
"Sokly Siev,Rina Heu,Heejun Yang,Ty Sok,Sovannara Uk,Rajendra Khanal,Chantha Oeurng,Seingheng Hul,Chihiro Yoshimura","Sediment and Suspended Solids: Spatiotemporal Dynamics",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 157-166",2022,June
"Sovannara Uk,Sokly Siev,Sato Michitaka,Rajendra Khanal,Ty Sok,Sive Thea,Sophal Try,Chantha Oeurng,Yoshimura Chihiro","Sediment resuspension and its relation to flood pulse",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 177?186",2022,June
"Uk Sovannara,Khoeurn Kimleang,Taing Chanreaksmey,Siev Sokly,Rajendra Khanal,Sok Ty,Sive Thea,Oeurng Chantha,Yoshimura Chihiro","Basic Physicochemical Water Quality: Spatiotemporal Distribution",,"Yoshimura Chihiro, Rajendra Khanal, and UK Sovannara (eds.), Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 217?239",2022,June
"Mong Marith,Uk Sovannara,Sok Ty,Kaing Vinhteang,Oeurng Chantha,Rajendra Khanal,Yoshimura Chihiro","Basin-wide distribution of water quality",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 207?216",2022,June
"Vouchlay Theng,Kana Hashimoto,Sovannara Uk,Sophanna Ly,Tomohiro Tanaka,Hidekazu Yoshioka,Chihiro Yoshimura","Phosphorus Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,,2022,June
"Vouchlay Theng,Sovannara Uk,Vinhteang Kaing,Tomohiro Tanaka,Hidekazu Yoshioka,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effects of Environmental Factors on Eutrophication",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 477?486",2022,June
"Rattana Chhin,Sokly Siev,Ichiro Yoneda,Takashi Nakamura,Chihiro Yoshimura,Hideto Fujii","Hydrology of the Inflow River Basins",,"In C. Yoshimura, R. Khanal and U. Sovannara (Eds.) Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 71-79",2022,May
"Keisuke Hoshikawa,Yoichi Fujihara,Sokly Siev,Seiya Arai,Takashi Nakamura,Hideto Fujii,Ty Sok,Chihiro Yoshimura","Total Suspended Solid Dynamics Revealed by Long-Term Satellite Image Analysis",,"In C. Yoshimura, R. Khanal and U. Sovannara (Eds.) Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 167-176",2022,May
"Zuliziana Suif,N Ahmad,M Othman,J Jelani,Chihiro Yoshimura","A distributed model of hydrological and sediment transport in the UPNM catchment.",,"Jurnal Teknologi",,"Vol. 84","No. 2","pp. 163-170",2022,Apr.
"Uk Sovannara,Heejun Yang,Theng Vouchlay,Sok Ty,Siev Sokly,Try Sophal,Oeurng Chantha,Yoshimura Chihiro","Dynamics of phosphorus fractions and bioavailability in a large shallow tropical lake characterized by monotonal flood pulse in Southeast Asia",,"Journal of Great Lake Research",,,,,2022,Apr.
"Heejun Yang,Sokly Siev,Sovannara Uk,Chihiro Yoshimura","Relationship between water levels and flood pulse induced by river-lake interaction in the Tonle Sap basin, Cambodia",,"Environmental Earth Sciences",," 81"," 226",,2022,Apr.
"波多野雄大,WANGManna,GARCIAHENANDEZ Jorge,吉村千洋","深紫外線照射後の大腸菌の再増殖過程における溶存有機物特性の影響","日本水環境学会年会",,,,,,2022,Mar.
"Raj SHIVAKOTI Binaya,Sovannara UK,Sophanna Ly,Chihiro Yoshimura,Kong Chhuona,Kimleang khoeurn,Pham Ngoc BAO,Kaing,Eden Mariquit Andrews,Toru Watanabe","Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake (2022) A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action, Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake: A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action,",,,"Platform for Aquatic Ecosystem Research (PAER)",,,,2022,Feb.
"Yuchen Guo,Zhongyu Guo,Zhang L,Chihiro Yoshimura,Ye Z,P Yu,Y Qian,Yuta Hatano,J Wang,J Niu","Photodegradation of propranolol in surface waters: An important role of carbonate radical and enhancing toxicity phenomenon.",,"Chemosphere",,"Vol. 297","No. 134106",,2022,Feb.
"Ye Z,Zhongyu Guo,Wang J,Zhang L,Guo Y,J Niu,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photodegradation of acebutolol in natural waters: important roles of carbonate radical and hydroxyl radical.",,"Chemosphere",,"Vol. 287","No. 132318",,2022,Feb.
"Vouchlay Theng,Kana Hashimoto,Sovannara UK,T Tanaka,H Yoshioka,Chihiro Yoshimura","Hydrodynamics-based modeling of phosphorus balance and dynamics in a large tropical floodplain.",,"Environmental Advances","Elsevier","Vol. 7","No. 100176",,2022,Feb.
"Binaya Raj Shivakoti,Sovannara Uk,Sophanna Ly,Chihiro Yoshimura,Kong Chhuon,Kimleang khoeurn,Pham Ngoc Bao,Vinhteang Kaing,Eden Mariquit Andrews,Watanabe Toru","Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake: A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action",,"Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake: A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action","Platform for Aquatic Ecosystem Research (PAER), Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech)",,,"p. 30",2022,Jan.
"UK Sovannara,Ly Sophanna,Rajendra Khanal,Sok Ty,Try Sophal,Chantha Oeurng,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Variability of planktonic chlorophyll a and phycocyanin in a complex hydroecological system of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia","18th World Lake Conference",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Toru Watanabe,A. Kuwagaki,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Chanthol Peng,Hideto FUJII,Sophanna Ly,S. Lun,Y Fujihara,K Hoshikawa,Chihiro Yoshimura","Health Risk Assessment of a Floating Village Based on Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Simulation","6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Chhin Rattana,Sokly Siev,Hideto FUJII,Chihiro Yoshimura","Estimation of Impact of Upstream Dams on Flow Regime in the lower Mekong River by Using a Distributed Hydrological Model","6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","Tropical Limnology: Is it a Frontier?","6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Vouchlay Theng,Sovannara Uk,Sokly Siev,Tanaka Tomohiro,Yoshioka Hidekazu,Yoshimura Chihiro","Sediment Transport Model Integrating Wind and Vegetation Effects for a Lake Floodplain System","The 6th “The 6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes in Conjunction with The 3th International Conference on Tropical Limnology (TROPLIMNO III)",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"T. Nakamura,T. Watanabe,A. Kuwagaki,K. Miyanaga,C. Peng,H. Fujii,S. Ly,S. Lun,Y. Fujihara,K. Hoshikawa,C. Yoshimura","Health Risk Assessment of a Floating Village Based on Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Simulation","The 6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes” In Conjunction with“The 3th International Conference on Tropical Limnology” (TROPLIMNO III)",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Ly Sophanna,Uk Sovannara,Theng Vouchlay,Pham Ngoc Bao,Chihiro Yoshimura","Delineation Relation of water level regime and for major vegetation types in a large tropical floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia","18th World Lake Conference, Mexico",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Sophanna Ly,Sovannara UK,Vouchlay Theng,Pham Ngoc BAO,Chihiro Yoshimura","Water Level Fluctuations and Distribution of Major Vegetation Types in the Tropical Floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake","6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Soklin Ith,Ty Sok,Kaing,Ratboren CHAN,Layheang Song,Chihiro Yoshimura","Sediment Budget in the Confluences of the Mekong River","6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Kornravee Saipetch,Khanal Rajendra,Masaki Yamazaki,QL Fu,Chihiro Yoshimura,Xinkai Jin","Exploring the fluorescence quenching interaction of amino acids and protein with natural organic matter by multi-spectroscopic method.",,"Water Supply: ws2021103.",,"Vol. 2021103",,,2021,Oct.
"AAE Ashmawy,MS Masoud,Chihiro Yoshimura,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,AM Abdel-Halim","Accumulation of heavy metals by Avicennia marina in the highly saline Red Sea coast.",,"Environmental Science and Pollution Research:",,,,,2021,Oct.
"Kornravee Saipetch,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Integration of fluorescence quenching correction into trihalomethane formation prediction models.",,"Environmental Monitoring and Assessment https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-021-09649-z",,"Vol. 193","No. 845",,2021,Sept.
"Zhongyu Guo,Jingwen Chen,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter Extracted from Coastal Seawater: Excited Triplet-States and Contents of Phenolic Moieties","The 24th Japan Society on Water Environment conference",,,,,,2021,Sept.
"Sophanna Ly,Sovannara Uk,Pham Ngoc-bao,Chihiro Yoshimura","Ecosystem services of flooded forests in a large tropical floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021), Korea",,,,,,2021,Aug.
"Vinhteang Kaing,Vouchlay Theng,Sovannara Uk,Chihiro Yoshimura","Permissible Phosphorous Load of a Tropical Lake Receiving Seasonal Flood Pulse","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug.
"Vouchlay Theng,Kana Hashimoto,Sovannara Uk,Tomohiro Tanaka,Hidekazu Yoshioka,Chihiro Yoshimura","Assessment of Phosphorus Dynamics in a Large Tropical Floodplain, Tonle Sap Lake","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug.
"Sovannara Uk,Sophanna Ly,Ty Sok,Sophal Try,Chantha Oeurng,Fujii Manabu,Chihiro Yoshimura","Spatiotemporal dynamics of chlorophyll-a and algae phycocyanin in a large shallow tropical lake characterized by seasonal flood pulse","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug.
"吉村千洋","下水の一般水質データから見える地域社会の特徴と変遷.?","下水道展’21大阪 併催企画セミナー「下水道情報活用による明るい未来社会の創造」",,,,,,2021,Aug.
"Sovannara Uk,Vouchlay Theng,Ty Sok,Sophal Try,Chantha Oeurng,Chihiro Yoshimura","Relative importance of external and internal phosphorus loadings to Tonle Sap Lake, a large shallow tropical lake characterized by seasonal flood pulse","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021), Korea",,,,,,2021,Aug.
"Michitaka SATO,Rajendra KHANAL,Sovannara UK,Siev SOKLY,Ty SOK,Chihiro Yoshimura","Impact of wind on spatio-temporal variation in concentration of suspended solids in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia",,"Earth",,"Volume 2","Issue 3","pp. 424-439",2021,July
"Manna Wang,Mohamed Ateia,Yuta Hatano,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Chihiro Yoshimura","Novel fluorescence-based method for rapid quantification of live bacteria in river water and treated wastewater.",,"Environmental Science: Advances",,"Vol. 10",,,2021,June
"Khanal Rajendra,Sovannara Uk,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Sokly Siev,Yoshimura Chihiro","Impact of water level fluctuation on sediment and phosphorous dynamics in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia",,"Water, Air, & Soil Pollution","Springer",," 232",,2021,Apr.
"吉村千洋","志津川湾における海洋環境に及ぼす養殖の影響 ー 里海手法による海洋環境の管理 ー (分担執筆)?震災復興から生まれた持続可能な養殖?南三陸戸倉の挑戦?",,"WWFジャパン",,,,"pp. 24-32",2021,Mar.
"Kornravee Saipetch,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Empirical equation for the correction of fluorescence quenching of proteinaceous substance by Suwannee river natural organic matter.",,"Water Practice & Technology 16(2): 344-350.",,"Vol. 16","No. 2","pp. 344-350",2021,Feb.
"R Chan,S Wandee,Manna Wang,W Chiemchaisri,C Chiemchaisri,Chihiro Yoshimura","Fate and transport of antibiotics from pig farms along the Bang Pakong River, Thailand.?","The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) & The 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) jointly held with the 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes,",,,,"pp. 34-37",2021,Feb.
"Vouchlay Theng,Hashimoto Kana,Sovannara Uk,Sophanna Ly,Tanaka Tomohiro,Yoshioka Hidekazu,Yoshimura Chihiro","Effect of Water and Land Based Villages on Phosphorus Dynamics in a Lake-Floodplain System, Tonle Sap Lake","The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) Jointly held with The 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes: “Insights and Challenges toward Achieving SDGs”","Proceedings of The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) jointly held with the 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes,",,,,"pp. 185-188",2021,Feb.
"Dion Awfa,Mohamed Ateia,D Mendoza,Chihiro Yoshimura","Application of QSPR predictive models to water treatment ? A critical review.",,"ACS ES&T Water",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 498-517",2021,Feb.
"Yuta Endo,Ayman Allam,Masafumi Natsuike,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii","Export of dissolved iron from river catchments in Northeast Japan.",,"Landscape and Ecological Engineering",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 75-84",2021,Feb.
"Cui Li,Chihiro Yoshimura","Meta-analysis of Photocatalytic Degradation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water","The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) & The 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) jointly held with the 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes,",,,,"pp. 177-180",2021,Feb.
"V Nhem,Sokly Siev,R Chhin,P Ung,Hideto FUJII,Chihiro Yoshimura","Water Quality Mapping Using High Resolution Satellite Image Sentinel-2","The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) & The 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) jointly held with the 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes,",,,,"pp. 110-113",2021,Feb.
"Jorge Garcia Hernandez,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Current presence and possible repercussions of UV filters in coral reef in Okinawa Prefecture.?","The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) & The 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) jointly held with the 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"pp. 102-105",2021,Feb.
"Manna Wang,Mohamed Ateia,Dion Awfa,Chihiro Yoshimura","Regrowth of bacteria after light-based disinfection ? What we know and where we go from here.",,"Chemosphere",,"Vol. 268","No. 128850",,2021,Jan.
"Dion Awfa,Mohamed Ateia,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photocatalytic degradation of organic micropollutants: inhibition mechanisms by different fractions of natural organic matter.",,"Water Research",,"Vol. 174","No. 115643",,2020,Nov.
"W Assar,MG Ibrahim,WE Mahmod,Ayman Allam,Ahmed Tawfik,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of water shortage and pollution of irrigation water on water reuse for irrigation in the Nile Delta.",,"Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering",,"Vol. 146",,,2020,Nov.
"Mohamed Ateia,MG Alalm,Dion Awfa,MS Johnson,Chihiro Yoshimura","Modeling the degradation and disinfection of water pollutants by photocatalysts and composites: A critical review.?",,"Science of the Total Environment",,"Vol. 698",,"p. 134197",2020,Nov.
"Risa Shiroyama,Manna Wang,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of sample size on habitat suitability estimation using random forests: A case of bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus.",,"International Journal of Limnology",,"Vol. 56","no. 13",,2020,Oct.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","Decomposition of Fine Particulate Organic Matter. In Methods to Study Litter Decomposition",,,"Eds. Baerlocher F, Gessner MO, Graca, MAS, Springer",,,"pp. 71-78",2020,Oct.
"Rina Heu,Mohamed Ateia,Dion Awfa,P Punyapalakul,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photocatalytic degradation of organic micropollutant by Zr-MOFs/GO composites.",,"Journal of Composites Science",,"Vol. 4","No. 2","p. 54",2020,Sept.
"Chantha OEURNG,S Wandee,Manna Wang,W Chiemchaisri,C Chiemchaisri,Chihiro Yoshimura","Fate, transport and ecological risk of antibiotics from pig farms along the Bang Pakong River, Thailand.",,"Journal of Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment",,"Vol. 304","No. 107123.",,2020,Sept.
"Rina Heu,Mohamed Ateia,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photocatalytic nanofiltration membrane using Zr-MOF/GO nanocomposite with high-flux and anti-fouling properties.",,"Catalysts",,"Vol. 10","No. 6","p. 711",2020,Sept.
"Teruhisa Komatsu,Shuji Sasa,Shuhei Sawayama,Hiroki Murata,Shigeru Montani,Osamu Nishimura,Takashi SAKAMAKI,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii,Tetsuo Yanagi","Management of Aquaculture and Marine Environment in an Open-Type Inner Bay Through the Satoumi Approach: The Case of Shizugawa Bay",,"Evolution of Marine Coastal Ecosystems under the Pressure of Global Changes","Springer, Cham",,,"pp. 393-407",2020,June
"Masafumi Natsuike,Yuta Endo,H Ito,Manami Miyamoto,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii","Iron uptake kinetics by coastal micro- and macro-algae in relation to riverine and coastal organic matter.",,"Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science?",,"Vol. 235","No. 106580","pp. -",2020,Apr.
"Pham Ngoc Bao,Sovannara Uk,Binaya Raj Shivakoti,Chihiro Yoshimura,Rajendra Khanal,Sokly Siev,Hul Seingheng,Aiko YAMASHITA","Socio-economic dependency of local communities on Tonle Sap Lake",,"Enviornmental Change in Tonle Sap Lake and its floodplains: Status and Policy Recommendations","Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)",,,"pp. 7-15",2020,Jan.
"Raj SHIVAKOTI Binaya,Pham Ngoc BAO,Seingheng Hul,Chihiro Yoshimura,Sovannara UK,Khanal Rajendra,Sokly Siev,Aiko YAMASHITA,Hideto FUJII,Tomohiro TANAKA,Hidekazu YOSHIOKA,Yoichi Fujihara,Keisuke Hoshikawa,Sarann LY,Lun Sambo,Heng Sokchhay,Ty Sok,Mong Marith,Chantha OEURNG,Layheang Song,Fidero Kuok,Ty Boreborey,Phat Chanvorleak,eden-gan mariquit,Winarto Kurniawan,HIROFUMI HINODE,Porsry Ung,Reasmey Tan,Vannak Ann,Chanthol Peng,Manabu Fujii,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,YASUNORI TANJI","Environmental Changes in Tonle Sap Lake and its Floodplain:Status and Policy Recommendations.",,,"Institute for Global Environmental Strategies,Tokyo Institute of Technology,Institute of Technology of Cambodia",,,"pp. 1-85",2020,Jan.
"Manna Wang,Chihiro Yoshimura,Ayman Allam,Fuminori KIMURA,T Honma","Causality analysis and prediction of 2-methylisoborneol production in a reservoir using empirical dynamic modeling.",,"Water Research",,"Vol. 163",,"p. 114864",2019,Nov.
"Shuangshuang Li,S. Heng,Sokly Siev,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,S Ly","Multivariate interpolation and information entropy for optimizing rain gauge network in the Mekong River Basin.",,"Hydrological Sciences Journal",,"Vol. 64",,"pp. 1439-1452",2019,Nov.
"Sokly Siev,EC Paringit,Chihiro Yoshimura,Seingheng Hul","Modeling inundation patterns and sediment dynamics in the extensive floodplain along the Tonle Sap River.",,"River Research and Applications",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 1387-1401",2019,Nov.
"Sokly Siev,Vannak Ann,Hideto FUJII,Chihiro Yoshimura","Flood mapping under an extreme event in a large shallow lake influenced by flood pulse in Southeast Asia.","In the 6th Environmental Technology and Management Conference in conjunction with the 12th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering, Bali, Indonesia.","E3S Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences.",,"Vol. 148","No. 06004","pp. 1-4",2019,Nov.
"Kornravee Saipetch,Masaki Yamazaki,Chihiro Yoshimura,Xinkai Jin","Fluorescence Quenching Of Protein By Humic Substances: Insights From Multi‐Spectroscopic Techniques","IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water 2019","Proceedings of IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water 2019",,,,"p. 31",2019,Oct.
"Dion Awfa,Mohamed Ateia,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Novel Magnetic Carbon Nanotube-TiO2 Composites for Solar Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Pharmaceuticals in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter",,"Journal of Water Process Engineering",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 100836-100836",2019,Oct.
"Sokly Siev,Ichiro Yoneda,Sith Ratino,Sarann LY,Hideto FUJII,Chihiro Yoshimura","Potential impacts of climate change on inundation area in Tonle Sap Lake,Cambodia","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"pp. 6-9",2019,Sept.
"Khanal Rajendra,Yuki Satou,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Sovannara UK,Sokly Siev,Chihiro Yoshimura","Quadrangularity of landuse land cover, water quality, nutrient and sediment dynamcis in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia.","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"pp. 153-156",2019,Sept.
"Shin NISHIDA,Nasrin Hossein Nedjad,Shinsuke MORI,Chihiro YOSHIMURA","Synthesis of magnetic particle using diesel engine and its application to water purification process","18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019)","Proc. 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress",,,," PI237",2019,Sept.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","Establishment of environmental conservation platform for Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia","International Symposium on Biodiversity Conservation&Sustainable use of Ecosystem Services",,,,,,2019,Sept.
"A. Kuwagaki,Hideto FUJII,S Ly,S. Lun,S. Heng,Sokly Siev,Y Fujihara,K Hoshikawa,Peng Chen,YASUNORI TANJI,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Toru Watanabe,Chihiro Yoshimura","Escherichia coli Transport Simulation in the Tonle Sap Great Lake Using a Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Model Accelerated by GPGPU","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"p. 218",2019,Sept.
"Mong Marith,Ty Sok,Chantha OEURNG,Ich Ilan,Pinnara Ket,Chihiro Yoshimura,Sovannara UK,Khanal Rajendra","Temporal Variation of Water Quality in Tonle Sap Lake Floating Villages Areas,Largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"pp. 207-212",2019,Sept.
"Khanal Rajendra,Pham Ngoc BAO,Raj SHIVAKOTI Binaya,Aiko YAMASHITA,Chihiro Yoshimura","Knowledge synthesis for environmental conservation in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"pp. 153-156",2019,Sept.
"Keisuke Hoshikawa,Yoichi Fujihara,Sokly Siev,Seiya Arai,Hideto FUJII,Ty Sok,Chihiro Yoshimura","Characterization of total suspended solid dynamics in a large shallow lake using long-term daily satellite images","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"pp. 144-152",2019,Sept.
"Pinnara Ket,Mong Marith,Kimleang CHUM,Ty Sok,Chantha OEURNG,Chihiro Yoshimura,Khanal Rajendra","Spatio-Temporal Water Quality in Tonle Sap Great Lake, Cambodia","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"pp. 132-138",2019,Sept.
"Kaing Vinhteang,Ty Sok,Chantha OEURNG,I. Ich,Mong Marith,Kimleang CHUM,Chihiro Yoshimura","Temporal Variation of Sediment and Nutrients (Nitrate and Phosphorus) Dynamics in the Mekong River in Cambodia","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES PP73-78",,,,"pp. 73-78",2019,Sept.
"Kaing Vinhteang,Ty Sok,Chantha OEURNG,I. Ich,Mong Marith,Kimleang CHUM,Chihiro Yoshimura","Temporal Variation of Sediment and Nutrients (Nitrate and Phosphorus) Dynamics in the Mekong River in Cambodia","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES PP73-78",,,,"pp. 73-78",2019,Sept.
"K. Takemura,Hideto FUJII,S Ly,S. Lun,S. Heng,Sokly Siev,Y Fujihara,K Hoshikawa,C. Peng,YASUNORI TANJI,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Toru Watanabe,Chihiro Yoshimura","Hydraulic Simulation of Escherichia coli Distribution in Chhnok Tru Floating Village, the Tonle Sap Great Lake","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"pp. 42-45",2019,Sept.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","International Collaboration on Freshwater Science and Management: Progress and Action","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"p. 4",2019,Sept.
"S.D. Tiegs,Costello D.,Isken M.,Woodward G.,McIntyre P.B.,Chauvet E.,Flecker A.,Gessner M.O.,Griffiths N.,the CELLDEX Consortium,Chihiro Yoshimura","Global Patterns of Organic-Matter Decomposition in Riverine Ecosystems Demonstrated Through Peer Sourcing.","Symposium for European Freshwater Science",,,,,,2019,July
"MG Eltarabily,A Negm,Chihiro Yoshimura","Evaluation of root water uptake and urea fertigation distribution under subsurface drip irrigation.?",,"Water",,"Vol. 11",,"p. 1487",2019,July
"Kornravee Saipetch,Chihiro Yoshimura","Importance of correcting for fluorescence quenching in fluorescence-based prediction of trihalomethane formation potential.",,"Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 19(6): 1677-1685.",,"Vol. 19","No. 6","pp. 1677-1685",2019,July
"Yuta Shimizu,Mohamed Ateia,Manna Wang,Dion Awfa,Chihiro Yoshimura","Disinfection mechanism of E. Coli by CNT-TiO2 composites: Photocatalytic inactivation vs. physical separation.",,"Chemosphere",,"Vol. 235",,"pp. 1041-1049",2019,July
"Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Strengthening of Environmental Research and Management: A Case Study of a Freshwater Shallow Lake","11th Nepalese Engineers Association in Japan (NEAJ) Symposium on Current and Future Technologies","NEAJ Proceedings, Article ID: 201901",,,,,2019,July
"吉村千洋","地域づくりにおけるグリーンインフラの位置づけと可能性","第6 回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2019,June
"Tomohiro Tanaka,Hidekazu Yoshioka,Sokly Siev,Hideto Fujii,Sarann Ly,Chihiro Yoshimura","A consistent finite difference local inertial model for shallow water simulation",,"Hydrological Research Letters",," 13"," 2"," 28-33",2019,May
"T Komatsu,S Sakamoto,S Sawayama,H Murata,S Sasa,S Montani,H Yatabe,N Yokoji,H Seko,Nakano Y,Manabu Fujii,Ayman Allam,Masafumi Natsuike,H Ito,Chihiro Yoshimura,T Sakamaki,O Nishimura","Toward Realizing the Sustainable use of and ?Healthy Marine Environments in an Open-Type?Enclosed Bay.",,"In?Integrated Coastal Management in the Japanese Satoumi, Ed. Yanagi T",,,,"pp. 16-57",2019,May
"Costello D.,D. Mathie,S.D. Tiegs,the CELLDEX Consortium,Chihiro Yoshimura","A Global Study of Nutrient Controls on Organic-Matter Processing.","Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science",,,,,,2019,May
"藤井学,夏池真史,伊藤紘晃,吉村千洋","2章3節 森は海の恋人か:鉄, 柳哲雄編:里海管理論―きれいで豊かで賑わいのある持続可能な海",,"農林統計協会",,,,"pp. 368-368",2019,Apr.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","International Framework to Enhance the Sustainability of Our Sanitation and Water Environments","International Symposium on Environment Science for Regional Sustainability",,,,,,2019,Mar.
"柳 哲雄,吉村千洋","里海管理論",,"里海管理論",,,,,2019,Mar.
"AM Armanuos,MG Ibrahim,WE Mahmod,JIRO TAKEMURA,Chihiro Yoshimura","Analysing the combined effect of barrier wall and freshwater injection countermeasures on controlling saltwater intrusion in unconfined coastal aquifer systems.",,"Water Resources Management 33(4): 1265-1280.",,"Vol. 33","No. 4","pp. 1265-1280",2019,Feb.
"S Tiegs,Chihiro Yoshimura","Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones.",,"Science Advances",,"Vol. 5","No. 1","p. eaav0486",2019,Feb.
"Chihiro Yoshimura,Masafumi Natsuike,Manabu Fujii,Yuta Endo,Ayman Allam","Role of river basins in iron supply to coastal ecosystem in northeast Japan","ASLO 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting",,,,,,2019,Feb.
"Shiena Okada,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,Masahiro Ryo","Monitoring land cover change of a river-floodplain system using high resolution satellite images.",,"Landscape and Ecological Engineering",,"Vol. 15","No. 1","pp. 63-74",2019,Jan.
"Khanal Rajendra,H Furumai,F Nakajima,Chihiro Yoshimura","Impact of holding time on toxicity change of urban road dust during runoff process.",,"Science of the Total Environment",,"Vol. 668",,"pp. 1267-1276",2019,Jan.
"N.P. Bao,Sovannara UK,Chihiro Yoshimura,R.B. Shivakoti,Khanal Rajendra,Sokly Siev,Seingheng Hul,Aiko Yamshita","Environmental Degradation of the Tonle Sap Lake and Capacity Building to Recover Its Sustainability. In Environmental Sustainability in Asia: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities in the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Series 2 - Cambodia.",,"Korea Environment Institute, Sejong, Korea.",,,,"pp. 98-117",2018,Dec.
"星川圭介,藤原洋一,Siev Sokly,中村恭志,吉村千洋,藤井秀人","MODIS Aqua 長期反射率データを用いた湖水懸濁要因の解明","日本写真測量学会",,,,,,2018,Nov.
"Teruhisa Komatsu,Shuji Sasa,Shigeru Montani,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii,Masafumi Natsuike,Osamu Nishimura,Takashi SAKAMAKI,Tetsuo Yanagi","Satoumi practice and sciences support sustainable use of a rias-type bay in southern Sanriku Coast after the huge tsunami 2011","The 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas","Abstrects of The 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas",,,,"p. 34",2018,Nov.
"Masafumi Natsuike,Yuta Endo,Hiroaki Ito,Manami Miyamoto,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii","Relation of land cover in river basins to fluorescent dissolved organic matter and iron flocculation in estuaries","The 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas","Abstrects of The 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas",,,,"p. 69",2018,Nov.
"Ty Sok,Ich Ilan,Heejun Yang,Chantha Oeurmg,Layheang Song,Sokly Siev,Sovannara UK,Mong Marith,Seingheng Hul,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Spatio-Temporal Variability of Water Quality in a Large Shallow lake In Southeast Asia:Tonle Sap Lake,Cambodia","第17回世界湖沼会議","Proceedings of 17th World Lake Conference",,,,"pp. 397-399",2018,Oct.
"Michitaka Sato,Sokly Siev,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of Soil Type, Slope and Land Use Change on Sediment Yields in the Tonle Sap Lake Basin","第17回世界湖沼会議","Proceedings of 17th World Lake Conference",,,,"pp. 295-297",2018,Oct.
"Sokly Siev,Michitaka Sato,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of Soil Type , Slope and Land Use Change on Sediment Yields in the Tonle Sap Lake Basin","8th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development (RSID)","Proceeding of the 8th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development (RSID)",,,,,2018,Oct.
"T Tanaka,H Yoshioka,Sokly Siev,Hideto FUJII,Y Fujihara,K Hoshikawa,S Ly,Chihiro Yoshimura","An integrated hydrological-hydraulic model for simulating surface water flows of a shallow lake surrounded by large floodplains.",,"Water?",,"Vol. 10","No. 9","p. 1213",2018,Oct.
"Tomohiro TANAKA,Hidekazu YOSHIOKA,Sokly Siev,Hideto FUJII,Sarann LY,Chihiro Yoshimura","Performance comparison of the three numerical methods to discretize the local inertial equation for stable shallow water computation.",,"Communications in Communications in Computer and Information Science",,"Vol. 946",,"pp. 451-465",2018,Oct.
"Mong Marith,Ty Sok,Illan Ich,Chantha OEURNG,Layheang Song,Seingheng Hul,Chihiro Yoshimura","Temporal Dynamics of Water Quality in Tonle Sap Lake in Kampong Loung,Cambodia,Based on Historical Data","第17回世界湖沼会議","Proceedings of 17th World Lake Conference",,,,"pp. 406-408",2018,Oct.
"Vann Chhorvin,Sarann Tanna,Seingheng Hul,Chheun Sophea,Kong Chhuona,Chihiro Yoshimura","Seasonal Assessment of Nutrient concentrations in the Floating Community at Chhnok Tru in Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve, Cambodia",,"Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"pp. 290-294",2018,Sept.
"Manna Wang,Chihiro Yoshimura,Fuminori KIMURA","Causality analysis and prediction of 2-methylisoborneol production in Kamafusa Reservoir","応用生態工学会 22回東京大会","応用生態工学会 第22回研究発表会講演集",,,,"p. 125",2018,Sept.
"Kana Hashimoto,Tomohiro TANAKA,Hidekazu YOSHIOKA,Sokly Siev,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","A One-Way Coupling of Local Inertial and Advection-Diffusion Equations for Computing Phophorous Transport in Tonle Sap Lake","The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"pp. 325-328",2018,Sept.
"Sokly Siev,Michitaka Sato,Ichiro Yoneda,Khanal Rajendra,Sarann LY,Hideto FUJII,Chihiro Yoshimura","Integration of hydrological and hydraulic models for simulating flood pulse and inundation area in Tonle Sap Lake","The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"pp. 286-289",2018,Sept.
"Chihiro Yoshimura","Enhancing Sustainability and Resilience: Case of a Shallow Tropical Lake","The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"p. 3",2018,Sept.
"Vannak Ann,P Ung,Sovannara Uk,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Sokly Siev,Peng Chen,S Yuk,S Sann,Khanal Rajendra,R Tan,Seingheng Hul,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,YASUNORI TANJI","Relationship between Microbial Communities and Water Quality in a Large Tropical Lake.","The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"pp. 277-280",2018,Sept.
"Ich Ilan,Ty Sok,Kaing Vinhteang,Chantha OEURNG,Layheang Song,Sokly Siev,Sovannara UK,Mong Marith,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Application of Multivariate Techniques in the Assessment of Spatial Surface Water Quality in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia","The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"pp. 299-302",2018,Sept.
"Kaing Vinhteang,Ty Sok,Ich Ilan,Chantha OEURNG,Layheang Song,Sokly Siev,Sovannara UK,Mong Marith,Danet Hak,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Contemporary Water Quality Status in Floating Villages in Tonle Sap Lake: Case study in Chhnok Trou Villages","The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"pp. 303-306",2018,Sept.
"Rina Heu,Dion Awfa,Mohamed Ateia,Chihiro Yoshimura","Adsorption Capacity of UiO-66 Enhanced by Graphene Oxide for Carbamazepine Removal in Water","The 11thRegional Conference on Environmental Engineering 2018","Proceedings of The 11thRegional Conference on Environmental Engineering 2018",,,,"pp. 105-108",2018,Sept.
"Dion Awfa,Yuta Shimizu,Mohamed Ateia,Suchat Leungprasert,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","A Simple Fabrication to Prepare Magnetic Carbon Nanotube-TiO2 Composite for Carbamazepine Photodegradation in Water","7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress","Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia, 23 Feb., 2018",,,,"pp. 82-89",2018,Aug.
"Manna Wang,Chihiro Yoshimura,Fuminori KIMURA","Causality analysis and prediction of MIB-related odor events in Kamafusa Reservoir","The 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics","Proceedings of The 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics",,,,"p. SS24-S7-6-4",2018,Aug.
"Sovannara Uk,Chihiro Yoshimura,Sokly Siev,Sophal Try,Heejun Yang,Chantha Oeurng,Shangshang Li,Seingheng Hul","Tonle Sap Lake: Current status and important research directions for environmental management",,"Lakes & Reservoirs Research & Management",,"Vol. 23","Issue 3","pp. 177-189",2018,June
"Manabu Fujii,Keisuke Oono,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manami Miyamoto","The role of autochthonous organic matter in radioactive cesium accumulation to riverine fine sediments",,"Water Research","Elsevier","Vol. 137",,"pp. 18-27",2018,June
"Kornravee Saipetch,Chihiro Yoshimura","Improvement of fluorescence-based prediction of trihalomethanes formation potential by correcting its quenching effect","The 2nd disinfection and disinfection by-products conference",,,,,,2018,May
"Khanal Rajendra,Hiroaki Furumai,F Nakajima,Chihiro Yoshimura","Carcinogenic profile, toxicity and source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons accumulated from urban road dust in Tokyo, Japan.",,"Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety",,,"No. 165","pp. 440-449",2018,Apr.
"T Komatsu,S Sasa,S Montani,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii,Masafumi Natsuike,O Nishimura,T Sakamaki,T Yanagi","Studies on a Coastal Environment Management Method for an Open-type Bay: the Case of Shizugawa Bay in Southern Sanriku Coast.",,"Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography",,"Vol. 56","No. 1","pp. 21-29",2018,Apr.
"Dion Awfa,Mohamed Ateia,Manabu Fujii,MS Johnson,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photodegradation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water Treatment Using Carbonaceous-TiO2 Composites: A Critical Review of Recent Literature.",,"Water Research",,,"No. 142","pp. 26-45",2018,Apr.
"吉村千洋,夏池真史,藤井学","微量金属動態からみる下水・川・海のつながり?スマートな地域環境管理に向けて?",,"月刊下水道",,"Vol. 41","No. 5","pp. 41-45",2018,Mar.
"山崎雅貴,梁政寛,吉村千洋,城山理沙","河川の洪水・渇水の周期性と魚類種数の関係:循環統計を用いた評価.",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)",,"Vol. 74","No. 4","pp. I295-I300.",2018,Feb.
"Sokly Siev,Heejun Yang,Ty Sok,Sovannara UK,Layheang Song,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Chantha OEURNG,Seingheng Hul,Chihiro Yoshimura","Sediment Dynamics in a Large Shallow Lake Characterized by Seasonal Flood Pulse in Southeast Asia.",,"Science of the Total Environment",,,"No. 631-632","pp. 597-607",2018,Feb.
"Yuta Shimizu,Mohamed Ateia,Chihiro Yoshimura","Natural organic matter undergoes different molecular sieving by adsorption on activated carbon and carbon nanotubes.",,"Chemosphere",,"Vol. 203",,"pp. 345-352",2018,Feb.
"MG Eltarabily,AM Negm,Chihiro Yoshimura","Abdel-Fattah S, Saavedra OC. (2018) Quality assessment of groundwater in southeast Nile Delta and its suitability for irrigation uses.",,"Water Resources?",,,,,2018,Feb.
"Masahiro Ryo,Chihiro Yoshimura,Yuichi Iwasaki","Importance of antecedent environmental conditions in modeling species distributions.",,"Ecography",,,,,2018,Feb.
"Seinghenga HUL,Kong Chhuona,Sarann Tanna,Chihiro Yoshimura","Water Quality Assessment during the Hottest Period for Phum Prek Water Treatment Plant of Phnom Penh City, Cambodia","the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia","Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia, 23 Feb., 2018",,,,"pp. 75-81",2018,Feb.
"Kornravee Saipetch,Chihiro Yoshimura,Masaki Yamazaki","Quenching effect of natural organic matter in fluorescence excitation-emission matrix of Tryptophan, tyrosine and protein in water supply source water,","the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia","Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia, 23 Feb., 2018",,,,"pp. 98-105",2018,Feb.
"Thae Su Iwin,Kittyot Tungsudjawong,Chihiro Yoshimura,Suchat Leungprasert","The role of algae on trihalomethane precursors formation from pre-chlorination in Chao Phraya River,","the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia","Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia, 23 Feb., 2018",,,,"pp. 106-113",2018,Feb.
"Mohamed Ateia,Chihiro Yoshimura,M Ceccato M","Ozone-assisted regeneration of magnetic carbon nanotubes for removing organic water pollutants.?",,"Chemical Engineering Journal?",,"Vol. 335",,"pp. 384-391",2018,Feb.
"遠藤雄大,夏池真史,宮本真奈美,吉村千洋,藤井学","北上山地水系の冬季における土地被覆の溶存鉄負荷量に対する影響およびその原単位",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)",,"Vol. 74","No. 4","pp. I535-III540",2018,Feb.
"Dion Awfa,Mohamed Ateia,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Simple Fabrication of Economically-Viable Magnetic Carbon Nanotubes-TiO2 Composite for Degradation of Organic Pollutants","IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018",,,,,,2018,
"吉村千洋,遠藤雄大,夏池真史,藤井学","河川流域から沿岸域への溶存鉄の供給?溶存有機物との関係?","第21 回日本水環境学会シンポジウム",,,,,,2018,
"Chihiro Yoshimura,Yuta Shimizu,Dion Awfa","Potential of Nano-carbon Materials for Treating Organic Compound in Effluent Water","the 1st International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering (ISIChem) 2018",,,,,,2018,
"Sokly Siev,Heejun Yang,Ty Sok,Sovannara UK,Layheang Song,Chihiro Yoshimura,Chantha OEURNG","Sedimentation and Resuspension Rates in Floodplains of Tonle Sap Lake","The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes","Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes",,,,,2017,Aug.
"Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Sovannara UK,Chihiro Yoshimura,Heejun Yang,Sokly Siev,Layheang Song,Chantha OEURNG","Contemporary nitrogen distribution during dry season and its long-term trend in Tonle Sap Lake and its river basins","The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes","Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes",,,,,2017,Aug.
"Heejun Yang,Sokly Siev,Chihiro Yoshimura,Hideto FUJII","Identification of phase propagation of water level between the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake based on spectral analysis","The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes","Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes",,,,,2017,Aug.
"Kimleang CHUM,Ty Sok,Ratboren CHAN,Bunmanut HENG,Sokly Siev,Heejun Yang,Chihiro Yoshimura,Layheang Song,Chantha OEURNG","Assessment of Spatial Interpolation Methods to Map Water Quality in Tonle Sap Lake","The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes","Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes",,,,,2017,Aug.
"Sovannara UK,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Chihiro Yoshimura,Heejun Yang,Sokly Siev,Michitaka Sato,Ty Sok,Layheang Song,Chantha OEURNG","Phosphorus fractions in sediments and its potential exchange with water column in Tonle Sap Lake","The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes","Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes",,,,,2017,Aug.
"Dion Awfa,Mohamed Ateia,Chihiro Yoshimura","Future perspective of magnetic carbon nanotubes nanocomposites for micropollutants removal from water.","4th Symposium on Environmental Water Engineering",,,,,,2017,June
"Chihiro Yoshimura,Mohamed Ateia,Yuta Shimizu,Dion Awfa","Applicability Of Carbon Nanotubes For Removing Toxic Organic Compounds From Effluent Water,","The 4th EnvironmentAsia International Conference,",,,,,,2017,June
"Kornravee Saipetch,Chihiro Yoshimura","Fluorescence Based Prediction of Disinfection By-product in the Presence of Bromide","4th Symposium on Environmental Water Engineering",,,,,,2017,June
"Dion Awfa,Mohamed Ateia,Chihiro Yoshimura","Carbon nanotubes based magnetic nanocomposites for micro-pollutants removal from water","第4回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2017,June
"A Elreedy,E Ibrahim,N Hassan,A El-Dissouky,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,A Tawfik","Nickel-graphene nanocomposite as a novel supplement for enhancement of biohydrogen production from industrial wastewater containing mono-ethylene glycol.",,"Energy Conversion and Management",,"Vol. 140",,"pp. 133-144",2017,May
"Ying Ping Lee,Manabu Fujii,Tetsuro Kikuchi,Masafumi Natsuike,H Ito,Toru Watanabe,Chihiro Yoshimura","Importance of allochthonous and autochthonous dissolved organic matter in Fe(II) oxidation:?A case study in Shizugawa Bay watershed, Japan",,"Chemosphere",,,,,2017,Apr.
"Ying Ping Lee,Manabu Fujii,Tetsuro Kikuchi,Koumei Terao,Chihiro Yoshimura","Variation of iron redox kinetics and its relation with molecular composition of standard humic substances at circumneutral pH.?",,"PLOS ONE",,"Vol. 12","No. 4",,2017,Apr.
"小松 輝久,門谷 茂,吉村千洋,西村修,柳哲雄","志津川湾における生物生産と陸からの負荷:栄養塩、微量金属、有機物",,"日本水産学会誌",,"Vol. 83","No. 6","p. 2009",2017,Mar.
"吉村千洋,一柳英隆","水位変動によって特徴づけられるダム湖の堆砂デルタ?寒河江ダムの事例?",,"水源地環境技術研究所所報",,"Vol. 2016-2017",,"pp. 84-97",2017,Mar.
"MG Eltarabily,AM Negm,Chihiro Yoshimura,JIRO TAKEMURA","Groundwater modeling in agricultural watershed under different recharge scenarios for quaternary aquifer eastern Nile Delta, Egypt.?",,"Environmental Modeling & Assessment.",,,,,2017,Feb.
"Zuliziana Suif,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,Zainal Arifin Ahmad,Seingheng Hul","Suspended sediment dynamics changes in mekong river basin: possible impacts of dams and climate change.",,"International Journal of GEOMATE",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 140-145",2017,Feb.
"Mohamed Ateia,CB Koch,S Jelavi?,AM Hirt,J Quinson,Chihiro Yoshimura,MS Johnson","Green and facile approach for enhancing the inherent magnetic properties of carbon nanotubes for water treatment application.?",,"?PLOS ONE?",,"Vol. 12","No. 7"," e0180636.",2017,Feb.
"Mohamed Ateia,OG Apul,Yuta Shimizu,A Muflihah,Chihiro Yoshimura,T Karanfil","Elucidating Adsorptive Fractions of Natural Organic Matter on Carbon Nanotubes.",,"Environmental Science & Technology?",,"Vol. 51",,"pp. 7101-7110",2017,Feb.
"LeQuynh Nga,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii","Effects of the chemical characteristics and concentration of inorganic suspended solids on nitrification in freshwater.",,"Water Science and Technology",,"Vol. 76","No. 11","pp. 3101-3113",2017,Feb.
"N Meky,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,A Tawfic","Feasibility of using non-vegetated baffled submerged constructed wetland system for removal of heavy metals, COD and nutrients from hyper-saline hazardous landfill leachate.",,"Desalination and Water Treatment?",,,,,2017,Jan.
"T Lapsongpon,Suchat Leungprasert,Chihiro Yoshimura","Pre-chlorination contact time and the removal and control of Microcystis aeruginosa in Coagulation.","2017 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science & The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies","Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science & The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies",,,,"pp. 11-15",2017,Jan.
"Tetsuro Kikuchi,Manabu Fujii,Koumei Terao,Jiwei Ran,Ying Ping Lee,Chihiro Yoshimura","Correlations between aromaticity of dissolved organic matter and trace metal concentrations in natural and effluent waters: A case study in the Sagami River Basin, Japan",,"Science of the Total Environment?","Elsevier","Vol. 576",,"pp. 36-45",2017,Jan.
"Mohamed Ateia,Jiwei Ran,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","The relationship between molecular composition and fluorescence properties of humic substances.",,"International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.",,,,,2017,Jan.
"Kornravee Saipetch,LeQuynh Nga,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of turbulence on nitrification rate in freshwater column.",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers",," Ser.B1"," 73","pp. I1201-I1206.",2017,