"Takeshi Obayashi,Shinpei Hayashi,Masayuki Shibaoka,Motoshi Saeki,Hiroyuki Ohta,Kengo Kinoshita","COXPRESdb: a database of coexpressed gene networks in mammals",,"Nucleic Acids Research",,"Vol. 36"," DB issue","pp. D77-D82",2008,Jan. "Takeshi Obayashi,Kengo Kinoshita,Kenta Nakai,Masayuki Shibaoka,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki,Daisuke Shibata,Kazuki Saito,Hiroyuki Ohta","ATTED-II: a database of co-expressed genes and cis elements for identifying co-regulated gene groups in Arabidopsis",,"Nucleic Acids Research",,"Vol. 35"," DB Issue","pp. D863-D869",2007,Jan.