"A Andreev,T-Y Yang,M F Gonzalez-Zalba,Y Yamaoka,T Ferrus,S Oda,T Kodera,D A Williams","Transport Through Si QDs in Coulomb Blockade Regime: Theory and Experiment","International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology",,,,,,2017,June "T. -Y. Yang,A. Andreev,Y. Yamaoka,T. Ferrus,T. Kodera,S. Oda,D. A. Williams","Quantum Information Processing in a Silicon-based System",,"Tech. Digest Of IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)",,,," 34.2.1-34.2.4",2016,Dec. "T. Ferrus,A. Rossi,A. Andreev,T. Kodera,T. Kambara,W. Lin,S. Oda,D. A. Williams","GHz photon-activated hopping between localized states in a silicon quantum dot",,"New Journal of Physics",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 013016 (18 pages)",2014,Jan. "A. Andreev,T. Ferrus,S. Das,T. Yang,S. Ihara,D. Williams,A. Andreev,T. Ferrus,S. Das,T. Yang,T. Kodera,S. Ihara,K. Horibe,S. Oda,D. Williams","Charge Manipulations in Si-Based Quantum Dot Qubit Devices with Single Electron Transistors: Theory and Experiment","2014 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2014)",,,,,,2014, "T. Kodera,T. Sawada,K. Horibe,T. Ferrus,D. Williams,M. Hatano,S. Oda","Top-down and bottom-up silicon quantum dots for qubit application","Quantum Dot Day 2013",,,,,,2013,Jan. "T. Ferrus,A. Rossi,T. Kodera,T. Kambara,W. Lin,S. Oda,D. Williams","Microwave effects on silicon quantum dots","31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductor (ICPS2012)",,,,,,2012,July "蒲原知宏,小寺哲夫,T. Ferrus,A. Rossi,堀部浩介,荒川泰彦,D. Williams,小田俊理","シリコン2重結合量子ドットの少数電子領域観測へ向けた構造最適化の検討","2012年春季第59回応用物理学関係連合学術講演会",,,,," 17a-A1-3",2012,Mar. "小寺哲夫,堀部浩介,林文城,蒲原知宏,T. Ferrus,A. Rossi,内田建,D. A. Williams,荒川泰彦,小田俊理","シリコン量子ドットを用いた電荷検出","日本物理学会2012年年次大会",,,,,,2012,Mar. "T. Ferrus,A. Rossi,T. Kodera,T. Kambara,W. Lin,S. Oda,D.A. Williams","Microwave manipulation of electrons in silicon quantum dots","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,,2012, "A. Rossi,T. Ferrus,T. Kodera,S. Oda,D. A. Williams","Charge sensing in silicon quantum dots for quantum computation","the International Conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication 2011 (QIPC 2011)",,,,,,2011,Sept. "A. Rossi,T. Ferrus,W. Lin,T. Kodera,D. A. Williams,S. Oda","Detection of variable tunneling rates in silicon quantum dots",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 98",,"pp. 133506-1-3",2011,Apr. "J. Ogi,T. Ferrus,T. Kodera,Y. Tsuchiya,K. Uchida,D. A. Williams,S. Oda,H. Mizuta","Single-electron energy dissipation processes mediated by slab mode phonons observed for suspended silicon double quantum dots","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,,2010,June "小寺哲夫,堀部浩介,蒲原知宏,山端元音,T. Ferrus,D. Williams,荒川泰彦,小田俊理","少数電子シリコン量子ドットの作製とスピン現象の観測","公開シンポジウム 「ナノ量子情報エレクトロニクスの進展」",,,,,,2010,Mar. "J. Ogi,T. Ferrus,T. Kodera,Y. Tsuchiya,K. Uchida,D. A. Williams,S. Oda,H. Mizuta","Inelastic single-electron tunneling assisted by confined phonons observed for suspended silicon double quantum dots","IOP Quantum Dot Meeting (QDCAM2010)",,,,,,2010,Jan. "J. Ogi,T Ferrus,T. Kodera,Y. Tsuchiya,K. Uchida,D. A. Williams,S. Oda,Hiroshi Mizuta","Electron-phonon interaction in suspended Si double quantum dots","International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2009)",,,,,,2009,Nov. "J. Ogi,T. Ferrus,T. Kodera,Y. Tsuchiya,K. Uchida,D. A. Williams,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Suspended quantum dot devices for sensor or quantum bit applications","G-COE PICE International Symposium on Silicon Nano Devices in 2030: Prospects by World's Leading Scientists",,,,,,2009,Oct.