"S. Okumura,S. Umehara,Y. Fujii,M. Nomura,T. Kaneshiki,M. Ozawa,T. Kishimoto","Recent Studies on Ca Isotope Separation by Crown-Ether Resin Chromatography",,"J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 11-14",2016,Mar. "S. Umehara,S. Okumura,T. Kishimoto,Y. Fujii,M. Nomura,T. Kaneshiki,M. Ozawa","Chromatographic Separation of Calcium Isotopes using Benzo-18-Crown-6-Ether Resin and Acetic Acid Solution",,"Austin Chromatography",,"Vol. 3","No. 1","pp. 1040",2016,Jan. "S. Okumura,S. Umehara,Y. Fujii,M. Nomura","Separation of Calcium-48 Isotope by Crown Ether Chromatography Using Ethanol/Hydrochloric Acid Mixed Solvent",,"Journal of Chromatography A",,,"No. 1415"," 67?72",2015,Aug.