"木内 久美子","サミュエル・ベケット『演劇のためのスケッチ?』における固有名詞:自己翻訳から見たCの沈黙の意味",,"演劇研究","早稲田大学坪内博士記念演劇博物館"," 47"," 19-41",,2024,Mar. "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Patrick Keiller’s environmental turn in Robinson in Ruins (2010)”","American Comparative Literature Association 2024 Annual Conference",,,,,,2024,Mar. "木内久美子","あとがき",,,"未知谷",,," 325-330",2023,Dec. "木内久美子","序",,"ベケットのことば","未知谷",,," 3-17",2023,Dec. "木内久美子","ベケットのことば",,"ベケットのことば","未知谷",,,,2023,Dec. "Kumiko Kiuchi","Why Is ‘Listener’ Named ‘Souvenant’? The Role of the Spectator in a Bilingual Reading of That Time/Cette fois",,,"Brill",,," 97-110",2021,Aug. "木内久美子","「ベケットの自己翻訳における固有名詞の(非‐)等価性について: 『演劇のための下書き?』を出発点に」","日本サミュエル・ベケット研究会 第56回定例会",,,,,,2021,July "Kumiko Kiuchi",""Tweaking Misogyny or Misogyny Twisted: Beckett’s Take on “Aristotle and Phyllis” in Happy Days"",,,"Palgrave",,,"pp. 91-105",2020,Nov. "Kumiko Kiuchi","Tokyo Ecology: Akabane Nature Observation Park",,"Botanical City","Jovis",,,"pp. 253-265",2020,May "木内 久美子","性差・位置関係・傍観・見世物性――サミュエル・ベケット『しあわせな日々』を「アリストテレスとピュリス」の図像から読み解く",,"FLS言語文化論集POLYPHONIA",,"vol. 10",,"pp. 1-28",2018,Mar. "木内 久美子","1930年代から1960年代の映画にみる月島の「地政学」","神奈川大学人文学研究所主催講演会",,,,,,2018,Jan. "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Finding a Form for the Speechless: Samuel Beckett and Miwa Yanagi’s Zero Hour”",,"Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui","Brill","Vol. 29","No. 2","pp. 325-336",2017,Oct. "木内久美子","「位置関係・運動・性差―「馬乗りアリストテレス」から『幸せな日々』を読む」","第49回 ベケット 研究会",,,,,,2017,July "Kumiko Kiuchi","" Ask not 'do you belong to this landscape?' but 'does this landscape belong to you?' Patrick Keiller’s Robinson trilogy in translation"",""Translation as a creative practice in contexts of crisis"",,,,,,2017,May "Kumiko Kiuchi",""The Political (Un)conscious of Nostalgia in the Representation of Downtown Tokyo: Changing Landscapes of Reclaimed Islands in Tokyo Bay in Modern Japan"",""Imagining infrastructures: space, subject, and affect"",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Kumiko Kiuchi","" Age, Posture, Sexuality: Reading Happy Days in the Light of “Aristotle and Phyllis”",""Beckett & Politics"",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Kumiko Kiuchi,Patrick Keiller","“Interview with Patrick Keiller: Toward the Future of the Landscape”",,"Landscapes in Time: Patrick Keiller's Robinson Trilogy","Office 903",,,"pp. i-x",2015,Oct. "木内久美子編,キーラー パトリック,マッシー ドリーン,佐藤 元就,萩野 亮,東 志保","時間のランドスケープス:パトリック・キーラー「ロビンソン三部作」",,"『時間のランドスケープス――パトリック・キーラー「ロビンソン三部作」』","Office 903",,,,2015,Oct. "木内久美子","【書評】「川島健著『ベケットのアイルランド』(水声社、二〇一四年)」",,"『比較文学』",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 138-142",2015,Mar. "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Hugo Azerad, ‘Parisian Literary Fields: James Joyce and Pierre Reverdy's Theory of the Image’”and others",,"Annotated Bibliography of English Studies (ABES)",,,,,2015, "木内久美子","「初期ベケットにおける「擬人化」の問題――「剽窃」の模倣の実践から「擬人化」批判へ」",,"『FLC言語文化論集 ポリフォニア』","外国語研究教育センター","Vol. 6",,"pp. 21-52",2014,Mar. "Kumko Kiuchi,Kumiko Kiuchi","“The Silence of Film and the Voice from the Spectral: Samuel Beckett, Buster Keaton and . . . ”",,"SNOW lit rev","Allardyce, Barnett, Publishers",,"No. 2","pp. 89-93",2013,Nov. "木内久美子","「演劇の〈今(maintenant)〉を転倒させること――サミュエル・ベケット『モノローグ一片』における〈捉まえる手(la main tenante)〉」",,"『サミュエル・ベケット!――これからの批評』","水声社",,,"pp. 265-290",2012,Feb. "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Beckett, a (Mis-)Reader: The Gesture of Ignorance and a Critique of Anthropomorphism in ‘Dante . . . Bruno . Vico . . Joyce’”","“Samuel Beckett: Out of the Archive”",,,,,,2011,June "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Oxymoronic Perception and the Experience of Genre: Samuel Beckett’s Ghost Trio, . . . but the clouds . . . and Beyond”",,"Journal of Beckett Studies",,,"No. 18","pp. 72-87",2009,Sept. "Kumiko Kiuchi","Investigations into ”Game” and ”Play” in the Work of Samuel Beckett: Language-games, Grafting of Genres and the Spectre of Literature",,,,,,,2009,Jan. "Kumiko Kiuchi","Reading is Perceiving?: Experiment with Genres and Genealogy of the Unreadable in Samuel Beckett’s Work","Modernism and Unreadability",,,,,,2008,Oct. "Kumiko Kiuchi","Book Review: “Avital Ronell, The ?berReader: Selected Works of Avital Ronell (Illinois: University of Illinois Press)” pp.386-390",,"Textual Practice","Routledge","Vol. 22","No. 2","pp. 386-390",2008,June "Kumiko Kiuchi","Beckett and Rousseau in Autobiographical Writing: Infancy as/in the Rhythm of Oblivion","New Work in Beckett Studies",,,,,,2008,May "Kumiko Kiuchi","Maddening the Folly ? Beckett and a Genealogy of Folly","BCLA International Conference "Folly"",,,,,,2007,June "木内久美子","ベケットの『ゴドーを待ちながら』から『芝居』までにおける「ゲーム」と「遊戯」の概念",,"『演劇研究センター紀要』(早稲田大学)",,,"No. 8","pp. 147-156",2007,Jan. "Kumiko Kiuchi","Dis-ordering the Order in Translation:Reading Samuel Beckett’s Molloy","Order and Disorder",,,,,,2006,July "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Soseki Natsume, Kokoro”; “Albert Camus, The Rebel”; “Kenzaburo Oe, Pluck the Bud and Destroy the Offspring”; “Yukio Mishima, The Sea of Fertility”; “Haruki Murakami, After the Quake”",,"1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die",,,,,2006,Mar. "木内久美子","「自‐伝への抵抗:別のだれかの自‐伝としてのサミュエル・ベケット『伴侶』」",,"『超域文化科学 紀要』 (東京大学)",,,"No. 10","pp. 143-159",2005,Sept. "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Translation as “rederre” ? Reading Samuel Beckett’s Le D?peupleur /The Lost Ones”","“Traduction, pillage et mystification”",,,,,,, "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Interdisciplinarity ‘In’ and ‘Of’ Literature ? A Paradox of Literature as a Discipline”","Inter- Conference",,,,,,, "Kumiko Kiuchi","“Time Travels, Memory Journeys, Writing Dwells in Literature: Reading Samuel Beckett’s Molloy”","“Literature Travels”, Annual International Conference of the British Comparative Literature Association",,,,,,, "Kumiko Kiuchi","A Preliminary Study on the “Aristotle and Phyllis” Figure in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot”","International Samuel Beckett Workshop",,,,,,, "Kumiko Kiuchi","“What is “that” in That Time/Cette fois? --Spectralisation of the “Listener/Souvenant”","International Samuel Beckett Workshop",,,,,,,