"Masaaki Tanaka,Kosuke Takiguchi,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Le Duc Anh,Pham Nam Hai","(Keynote) A new class of Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperature and their quantum heterostructures","The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA2024)",,,,,,2024,Aug. "Masaaki Tanaka,Kosuke Takiguchi,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Le Duc Anh,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) A new class of Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperatures and their quantum heterostructures","36th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS) 2024",,,,,,2024,July "Masaaki Tanaka,Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Shobhit Goel,Karumuri Sriharsha,Kosuke Takiguchi,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) A new class of Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperature and their quantum heterostructures","EU-Japan Workshop on Spintronics and Quantum Transformation (Spin-QX 2023)",,,,,,2023,Aug. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Tomohiro Otsuka,Yuto Arakawa,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka,Pham Nam Hai","Spin transport in fully ferromagnetic p?n junctions",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 131","No. 1","pp. 013902",2022,Jan. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Spin dependent transport characteristics in full ferromagnetic (In,Fe)Sb/(Ga,Fe)Sb p-n junctions","EP2DS-24/MSS-20 Joint Conference",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Tu Thanh Nguyen,Nam Hai Pham,Duc Anh Le,Masaaki Tanaka","Spin dependent transport characteristics in full ferromagnetic (In,Fe)Sb/(Ga,Fe)Sb p-n junctions","82th JSAP Autumn meeting",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Masaaki Tanaka,Le Duc Anh,Kosuke Takiguchi,Shobhit Goel,Shinobu Ohya,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai","(Keynote) New ferromagnetic semiconductors and spintronics applications","The VANJ Conference 2020 (VANJ20)",,,,,,2020,Nov. "M. Tanaka,L. D. Anh,K. Takiguchi,S. Goel,S. Ohya,N. T. Tu,P. N. Hai","(Invited) New ferromagnetic semiconductors and spintronics applications: Fe-doped narrow-gap III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors and heterostructures with high Curie temperature","39th Electronic Materials Symposium EMS-39",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,瀧口耕介,Pham Nam Hai,田中雅明","(Invited) n型およびp型Fe系強磁性半導体 ?高いキュリー温度の実現とヘテロ構造デバイスへの展開?","日本磁気学会第76回スピントロニクス専門研究会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Masaaki Tanaka,Le Duc Anh,Kosuke Takiguchi,Shobhit Goel,Shinobu Ohya,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) Fe-doped narrow-gap III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors and related heterostructures with high Curie temperature","The 2nd Kavli ITS Workshop on Magnetic Semiconductors",,,,,,2020,Jan. "Masaaki Tanaka,Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) New Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors and their heterostructures","The 11th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD 2019)",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Masaaki Tanaka,Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) New n-type and p-type Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors with high TC","14th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference (APPC14)",,,,,,2019,Nov. "瀧口 耕介,レ デュック アィン,グエン タン トゥ,ファム ナム ハイ,田中 雅明","(招待講演) 高いキュリー温度をもつn型およびp型Fe添加III-V族強磁性半導体とヘテロ構造 ?巨大な近接磁気抵抗効果とゲート電圧による制御?","第3回 CSRN-Tokyo Workshop 2019",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,瀧口 耕介,ファム ナム ハイ,田中 雅明","(Invited) n型およびp型Fe系強磁性半導体 ー 高いキュリー温度の実現とヘテロ構造デバイスへの展開","第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Heavily Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb with high Curie temperature and large magnetic anisotropy",,"Applied Physics Express",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 103004",2019,Sept. "Masaaki Tanaka,Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors and heterostructures","SPIE Spintronics XII",,,,,,2019,Aug. "Shoya Sakamoto,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Yukiharu Takeda,Shin-ichi Fujimori,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Yuki K. Wakabayashi,Goro Shibata,Masafumi Horio,Keisuke Ikeda,Yuji Saitoh,Hiroshi Yamagami,Masaaki Tanaka,Atsushi Fujimori","Electronic structure of the high- TC ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb: X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and resonance photoemission spectroscopy studies",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 100",," 035204",2019,July "Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Masaaki Tanaka","(Invited) FE-BASED NARROW-GAP FERROMAGNETIC SEMICONDUCTORS: NEW APPROACH TO SPIN-BASED ELECTRONICS","Vietnam-Japan Science and Technology Symposium 2019 (VJST2019)",,,,,,2019,May "Nguyen Tu Thanh,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Heavily Fe-doped n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb with high Curie temperature and large magnetic anisotropy","Compound Semiconductor Week 2019 (CSW2019)",,,,,,2019,May "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Heavily Fe-doped n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb with high Curie temperature and large magnetic anisotropy","The 66th JSAP Spring meeting",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Masaaki Tanaka","(Invited) High Curie temperature and Electrical Control of Magnetic Properties in Fe-based Narrow-gap III-V Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Heterostructures","2019 Joint MMM-Intermag conference",,,,,,2019,Jan. "Kento Nishijima,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Masaaki Tanaka,Pham Nam Hai","Fe delta-doped (In,Fe)Sb ferromagnetic semiconductor thin films for magnetic-field sensors with ultrahigh Hall sensitivity",,"Journal of Crystal Growth",,"Vol. 511",,"pp. 127-131",2019,Jan. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","(Invited) High-temperature ferromagnetism in both p-type and n-type Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors","第23回 半導体におけるスピン工学の基礎と応用(PASPS-23)",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Masaaki Tanaka,Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) New n-type and p-type Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors with high TC","The Kavli ITS Workshop on Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: Challenges and Opportunities",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Pham Nam Hai,Kento Nishijima,Tomohiro Otsuka,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","(Invited) Spin-dependent transport phenomena in Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor-based spin devices","The Kavli ITS Workshop on Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: Challenges and Opportunities",,,,,,2018,Nov. "ファム ナム ハイ,レ デゥック アイン,グエン タン トゥ,田中 雅明","鉄系強磁性半導体の創製とデバイス応用",,"応用物理",," 第87巻"," 第10号"," 754-758",2018,Oct. "N. T. Tu,P. N. Hai,L. D. Anh,M. Tanaka","N-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb with high Curie temperature: Electrical control of ferromagnetism","SSDM 2018",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Masaaki Tanaka,Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) New n-type and p-type ferromagnetic semiconductors with high TC","20th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE 2018)",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Electrical control of ferromagnetism in the new n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb with high Curie temperature","10th International School and Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin Phenomena in Solids (PASPS 10)",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Duc Anh Le,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Masaaki Tanaka","(Invited) Fe-based n-type and p-type narrow-gap III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperatures","SPIE Spintronics XI",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Electrical control of ferromagnetism in the new n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb with high Curie temperature","JSPS Core-to-Core Japan Workshop 2018 on Nanoscale Electron-photon Interactions via Energy Dissipation and Fluctuation",,,,,,2018,July "N. T. Tu,P. N. Hai,L. D. Anh,M. Tanaka","High-temperature ferromagnetism in new n-type Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb",,"Appl. Phys. Express",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 063005",2018,May "Cong Tinh Bui,Christina A.C. Garcia,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Masaaki Tanaka,Pham Nam Hai","Planar Nernst effect and Mott relation in (In,Fe)Sb ferromagnetic semiconductor",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 123",,"pp. 175102",2018,Apr. "N. T. Tu,P. N. Hai,L. D. Anh,M. Tanaka","Electrical control of ferromagnetism in the n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb with high Curie temperature",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 112",,"pp. 122409",2018,Mar. "CONG TINH BUI,CHRISTINA GARCIA,NGUYEN THANH TU,MASAAKI TANAKA,PHAM NAM HAI","Magneto-thermopower in Ferromagnetic Semiconductor In1-xFexSb","The 65th JSAP Spring meeting",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Cong Tinh Bui,Christina Garcia,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Masaaki Tanaka,Pham Nam Hai","Spin-dependent thermoelectric effects in (In,Fe)Sb ferromagnetic semiconductor","Spin-RNJ Symposium 2018",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Tu Thanh Nguyen,Nam Hai Pham,Duc Anh Le,Masaaki Tanaka","Electrical control of ferromagnetism in the n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb with high Curie temperature","The 65th JSAP Spring meeting",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Masaaki Tanaka","Fe based narrow-gap ferromagnetic semiconductors: New materials for high-performance spintronic devices","東京大学 第9回低温センター研究交流会",,,,,,2018,Feb. "M. Tanaka,S. Ohya,L.D. Anh,N.T. Tu,I. Muneta,P.N. Hai","(Invited) Recent progress and topics in semiconductor spintronics and ferromagnetic semiconductors","Junjirou Kanamori Memorial International Symposium ? New Horizon of Magnetism-",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Pham Nam Hai,Tomohiro Otsuka,Munehiko Yoshida,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","(Invited) Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductors for high-performance semiconductor spin devices","The 29th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors(ICDS-29)",,,,,,2017,July "Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Masaaki Tanaka","(Invited) Fe-based narrow-gap ferromagnetic semiconductor: New materials for high-performance spintronic devices","2017 Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR)",,,,,,2017,June "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","High-temperature ferromagnetism in n-type and p-type Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductors","9th International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technolog (Spintech IX)",,,,,,2017,June "Nguyen Tu Thanh,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","High-temperature ferromagnetism in a new n-type Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb","第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Pham NamHai,Le Duc Anh,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Masaaki Tanaka","(Invited) High-performance Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductors","International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology 2016 (IWAMN 2016)",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Shoya Sakamoto,Nguyen Thanh Tu,Yukiharu Takeda,Shin-ichi Fujimori,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Yuki Wakabayashi,Goro Shibata,Masafumi Horio,Keisuke Ikeda,Yuji Saitoh,Hiroshi Yamagami,Masaaki Tanaka,Atsushi Fujimori","Electronic Structure of the p-type Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb","第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2016,Sept. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","High‐Temperature Ferromagnetism in Heavily Fe‐doped Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb","19th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2016)",,,,,,2016,Sept. "N. T. Tu,P. N. Hai,L. D. Anh,M. Tanaka","High-temperature ferromagnetism in heavily Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 108",,"pp. 192401",2016,May "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","High-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Heavily Fe-doped Ferromagnetic Semiconductor","9th International Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin-Related Phenomena in Solids (PASPS9)",,,,,,2016, "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","High-temperature ferromagnetism in heavily Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb","第20回スピン工学の基礎と応用(PASPS-20)",,,,,,2015,Dec. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Magnetic properties and intrinsic ferromagnetism in (Ga,Fe)Sb ferromagnetic semiconductors",,"Physical Review B","APS","Vol. 92",," 144403",2015,Oct. "Tu Nguyen,Nam Hai Pham,Duc Anh Le,Masaaki Tanaka","High-temperature ferromagnetism in heavily Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb","第76回応用物理学会秋期学術講演会",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Magnetic Properties and Intrinsic Ferromagnetism in Narrow-gap Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb","SSDM 2015",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","New Narrow Gap III-V Ferromagnetic Semiconductors","東京大学 固体エレクトロニクス・オプトエレクトロニクス研究発表会",,,,,,2015,Mar. "Thanh Tu Nguyen,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Magneto-optical and magneto-transport characteristics of heavily Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb","第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2015,Mar. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","(Ga,Fe)Sb: a new p-type ferromagnetic semiconductor","The 19th Physics and Applications of Spin-related Phenomena in Semiconductors",,,,,,2014,Dec. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","(Ga,Fe)Sb: A p-type ferromagnetic semiconductor",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 105",,"p. 132402",2014,Sept. "Thanh Tu Nguyen,Duc Anh Le,Nam Hai Pham,Masaaki Tanaka","(Ga,Fe)Sb: a new p-type ferromagnetic semiconductor","第75回応用物理学会秋期学術講演会",,,,,,2014,Sept. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Pham Nam Hai,Le Duc Anh,Masaaki Tanaka","Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of a New P-type Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb","18th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE 2014)",,,,,,2014,Sept. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Le Duc Anh,Pham Nam Hai,Masaaki Tanaka","Epitaxial growth and characterization of n-type magnetic semiconductor (In,Co)As",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 53",,"p. 04EM05",2014,Mar. "T. Nguyen,D. A. Le,N. H. Pham,M. Tanaka","Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of n-type Magnetic Semiconductor (In,Co)As","第61回応用物理学会春期学術講演会",,,,,,2014,Mar. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Le Duc Anh,Pham Nam Hai,Masaaki Tanaka","Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of n-type Magnetic Semiconductor (In,Co)As","東京大学第5回低温センター研究交流会",,,,,,2014,Feb. "Nguyen Thanh Tu,Le Duc Anh,Pham Nam Hai,Masaaki Tanaka","Epitaxial growth and properties of n-type magnetic semiconductor (In,Co)As","2013 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2013)",,,,,,2013,Sept.