"Jaydeep Bardhan,R. Yokota,Matthew Knepley,Lorena Barba,Tsuyoshi Hamada","Biomolecular electrostatics using a fast multipole BEM on up to 512 GPUs and a billion unknowns",,"Computer Physics Communications",,"Vol. 182","No. 6","pp. 1272?1283",2011,Mar. "Rio Yokota,Jaydeep Bardhan,Matthew Knepley,Lorena Barba","(Really) Fast Macromolecular Electrostatics -- Fast Algorithms, Open Software and Accelerated Computing","ACS Division of Physical Chemistry 240th National Meeting",,,,,,2010,Aug. "Rio Yokota,Lorena Barba,Matthew Knepley","PetRBF?A parallel O(N) algorithm for radial basis function interpolation with Gaussians",,"Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering",,"Vol. 199","No. 25-28","pp. 1793?1804",2010,Mar.